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Newswise — Overwhelming scientific evidence supports reducing carbon pollution that causes global warming as much as possible and as quickly as possible. Global warming is happening faster than predicted even several years ago, with many natural systems already seriously impacted. Sea-level rise by the end of the century may be two to three times previous projections. Arctic sea ice is melting faster than anticipated even a few years ago. Northern forests are under attack from heat, drought, insects, and fires. And, many of the changes in our climate may be with us for hundreds and thousands of years.

New scientific findings indicate that holding further increases in global temperatures to no more than 2°F above today's levels, which many believe will allow us to avoid dangerous interference with the climate system, may not be enough to protect people and the planet from significant harm after all.

Furthermore, a target of 450 ppm CO2, widely thought to be sufficient for keepingwarming below 2°F, only gives us a 50 percent chance of keeping warming that low. More alarming are the early warning signs that we could be approaching tipping points that would cause global warming to accelerate even faster. The United States and the international community must come to terms with an increased sense of urgency to address climate change. is a video introduction to by Dr. Amanda Staudt