Newswise — Save the date for the American College of Sports Medicine’s 66th Annual Meeting, 10th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise, Circadian Rhythms and Sleep, May 28–June 1, 2019, in Orlando, Florida. These three exciting meetings will happen simultaneously and feature new trends and research in sports medicine and exercise science.

The World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise, Circadian Rhythms and Sleep will bring together leading researchers to present and discuss cutting-edge science in this rapidly developing field. Circadian rhythms, or “clocks,” regulate several bodily functions like behavior, hormone levels, body temperature, sleep and metabolism. Most people have probably experienced a temporary misalignment between their internal clock and the environment, resulting in “jet lag.” However, chronic mismatches between internal clocks and lifestyle are associated with increased risk for various diseases.

View the ACSM Annual Meeting advance program for more details on the Basic Science World Congress and for story ideas from research topics and keynote addresses that will be presented to the more than 5,000 professionals attending the conference.

Registration is free for members of the media and provides access to experts presenting the latest trends and research. Contact Lisa Ramage ([email protected]) to reserve your credentials or obtain additional details. We hope you will consider joining us in Orlando. Follow #ACSM19 for the latest annual meeting news!


About the American College of Sports Medicine

The American College of Sports Medicine is the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world. More than 50,000 international, national and regional members are dedicated to advancing and integrating scientific research to improve educational and practical applications of exercise science and sports medicine. More details can be found at

Meeting Link: ACSM 66th Annual Meeting