Research Alert

Video Creator:   Traci L. Hedrick, M.D., M.S., Taryn E. Hassinger, M.D., M.S., Emma Myers, B.A., Elizabeth D. Krebs, M.D., M.Sc., David Chu, B.S.,  Ashley N. Charles, B.S.R.T., Sook C. Hoang, M.D., Charles M. Friel, M.D., Robert H. Thiele, M.D.
Description:  There is significant room for improvement in baseline preoperative activity levels of patients undergoing colorectal surgery, and poor activity is associated with increased postoperative complications. These data will serve as the basis for an interventional trial investigating whether wearable devices help improve surgical outcomes through a monitored preoperative exercise program.

See the study here.

Journal Link: Diseases of the Colon & Rectum: April 2020 - Volume 63 - Issue 4 - p 538-544