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6-Dec-2024 11:35 AM EST
Lower-Quality Public Housing Is at High Risk of Flood Damage
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Preliminary findings suggest that lower-quality public housing structures (with lower inspection scores) are more likely to be located in a FEMA flood zone and in areas with higher flood risk as defined by FEMA’s National Risk Index. They are also more likely to be home to higher percentages of people of color. Kelsea Best, assistant professor of Urban Climate Resilience and Adaptation Disparities in Ohio State University’s College of Engineering, will present the team’s research in December at the annual Society for Risk Analysis meeting in Austin, Texas.

6-Dec-2024 11:35 AM EST
Employee Visits to Adult or Gambling Sites Doubles Risk of Infection by Malware
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Cybersecurity researchers from the University of Trento and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the global cybersecurity firm Trend Micro wondered what behaviors bring the greatest risk of malware infection: working at night, browsing adult content, gambling, having a lot of software installed or just visiting strange places?

Newswise: Earliest Deep-Cave Ritual Compound in Southwest Asia Discovered
5-Dec-2024 4:30 PM EST
Earliest Deep-Cave Ritual Compound in Southwest Asia Discovered
Case Western Reserve University

CLEVELAND (Dec. 9)—A cave in Galilee, Israel, has yielded evidence for ritualistic gathering 35,000 years ago, the earliest on the Asian continent. Case Western Reserve University and Israeli researchers published their findings today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

5-Dec-2024 5:15 AM EST
Climate Change Impacting Freshwater Fish Species, Study Finds
University of Bristol

Freshwater fish populations that dwell nearer the poles are outperforming their equatorial counterparts, researchers have found.

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Newswise: Researchers Uncover a Troubling Trend in Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity
4-Dec-2024 2:00 PM EST
Researchers Uncover a Troubling Trend in Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity
Northern Arizona University

Scientists across four continents worked together to create and analyze three-dimensional maps of tropical rainforests throughout the globe. What they found is worrying: three- quarters of rainforests worldwide are suffering from human intervention, endangering thousands of animal species and threatening delicate ecosystems that are crucial to human survival. 

Newswise: A Healthy Diet Helps the Weighty Battle with Chronic Pain
Released: 9-Dec-2024 2:30 PM EST
A Healthy Diet Helps the Weighty Battle with Chronic Pain
University of South Australia

New research from the University of South Australia shows that adopting a healthy diet can reduce the severity of chronic pain, presenting an easy and accessible way for sufferers to better manage their condition.

Release date: 9-Dec-2024 2:00 PM EST
Greater oversight of Canadian fertility industry needed, says new research
Toronto Metropolitan University

New research from Toronto Metropolitan University finds that the treatment of egg donors at private fertility clinics in Canada is contrary to the Canadian Medical Association’s Code of Ethics.

Release date: 9-Dec-2024 2:00 PM EST
Last Chance to Register for Dec. 10-12 IAFNS Science Innovation Showcase
Institute for the Advancement of Food and Nutrition Sciences

Join us in the afternoons for this virtual, science-focused meeting on food research.

6-Dec-2024 11:30 AM EST
What Motivates Americans to Eat Less Red Meat?
Society for Risk Analysis (SRA)

Researchers at Baruch College and the University of Southern California (USC) surveyed more than 7,500 adults as part of the Understanding America Study – a probability-based Internet panel of individuals 18 and older. They will present their research at the December annual meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis in Austin, Texas.

