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Do Genetic "Parasites" Help the Immune System Develop and Function?

A study by UdeM professor Claude Perreault's team at IRIC proposes three potential functions for so-called parasite DNA sequences in T cell development.
12-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Has Quebec Entered a New Era of Drug-Related Deaths?

For the last decade, people who use drugs in Quebec have been partially sheltered from Canada’s drug overdose epidemics. But since 2020, the picture has changed.
12-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Helping Your Brain Ward Off Alzheimer's Symptoms

Participating in a series of cognitive training sessions has helped Quebec seniors cope with memory loss - even five years later, an UdeM study finds.
12-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Uncovering the Story Behind the Mongol Invasions of Japan

When Japanese samurai repelled the Mongols, their victories were attributed to typhoons whipped up by divine forces. Now, Ph.D. candidate Jérémy Le Blanc-Gauthier is taking a fresh look at the legend.
12-Sep-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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A Pandemic of Despair

The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 and resulting job losses led to a surge in suicidal ideation among Canadians, especially young people, a new UdeM-led study finds.
12-Sep-2024 3:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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An Antidiabetic Helps the Immune System Recognize Reservoirs of HIV

Researchers at Université de Montréal’s teaching hospital say the discovery could help lessen and even eliminate viral loads in people undergoing antiretroviral therapy.
12-Sep-2024 10:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Formation of the spinal cord in the embryo: the role of a family of proteins elucidated

The discovery of the role of β-arrestins in the formation of the spinal cord at the embryonic stage opens up perspectives for exploring the mechanisms that would allow its lesions to be repaired.
24-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Found with Webb: a potentially habitable icy world

A team of astronomers has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it could be a promising "super-Earth" covered in ice or water.
9-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

Producing “artificial stars” to calibrate telescopes

Astronomy professor Jonathan Gagné will be part of the Landolt space mission, which involves solving problems caused by errors in astronomical calibrations.
24-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT

Ce climat n’existe pas (encore)

«Ça ne suffit pas d’avoir des données, c’est important de créer un lien», confie Victor Schmidt, doctorant à l’Université de Montréal sous la direction de Yoshua Bengio, professeur à l’UdeM et fondateur de Mila. Les effets des...
1-Nov-2021 6:05 PM EDT

The climate emergency: a Q&A with Ariane Burke and Julien Riel-Salvatore

As world climate experts begin to gather in Glasgow, Scotland, for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), a provocative Canada-U.K. study co-authored by two Université de Montréal anthropologists is generating a lot of buzz around the...
1-Nov-2021 2:20 PM EDT

Not All Canadians Feeling the Heat of Climate Change

While Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Paris hammering out the details of the global fight against climate change, a new study out of the University of Montreal and the Trottier Energy Institute shows that Canadian attitudes are somewhat...
30-Nov-2015 7:05 AM EST

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physics world
An antidiabetic helps the immune system recognize reservoirs of HIV

Researchers at Université de Montréal’s teaching hospital say the discovery could help lessen and even eli...
11 Sep 2024

physics world
Alain Philippe Fortin: Helping economics students develop their analytical skills

A specialist in financial econometrics, Fortin has joined UdeM’s Department of Economics as a lecturer....
10 Sep 2024

physics world
Making it easier to work

New assistant professor Valérie Hervieux brings her expertise in workplace health and safety to UdeM’s Scho...
09 Sep 2024

physics world
A pandemic of despair

The global outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 and resulting job losses led to a surge in suicidal ideation among Can...
06 Sep 2024

physics world
Helping your brain ward off Alzheimer's symptoms

Participating in a series of cognitive training sessions has helped Quebec seniors cope with memory loss - eve...
06 Sep 2024

physics world
New spiritual care internship now offered in Lausanne

Over the summer, UdeM students learned about new practices and approaches in spiritual care during an intensiv...
04 Sep 2024

physics world
Do genetic "parasites" help the immune system develop and function?

A study by UdeM professor Claude Perreault's team at IRIC proposes three potential functions for so-called par...
04 Sep 2024

physics world
Uncovering the story behind the Mongol invasions of Japan

When Japanese samurai repelled the Mongols, their victories were attributed to typhoons whipped up by divine f...
30 Aug 2024

physics world
Has Quebec entered a new era of drug-related deaths?

For the last decade, people who use drugs in Quebec have been partially sheltered from Canada’s drug overdos...
30 Aug 2024

physics world
UdeM’s veterinary training program welcomes its first students in Rimouski

David Francoz, dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, discusses how the new doctoral program of 24 stude...
26 Aug 2024

physics world
Hélène Lardé: New veterinary prof comes to the Lower St. Lawrence

The first 24 students in UdeM’s new veterinary program in Rimouski are about to meet Hélène Lard, a French...
26 Aug 2024

physics world
Type 2 diabetes: new light on cellular mechanisms causing insulin resistance

Mathieu Ferron's work sheds light on the cellular mechanisms of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes, which a...
23 Aug 2024

physics world
UdeM awards honorary doctorates to three eminent scholars

Stephen Toope, Joël Bockaert and Sharon Straus will receive the university’s highest honour....
19 Aug 2024

physics world
Alexandra Zidenberg: Exploring the depths of the human psyche

A new professor in UdeM’s School of Criminology, the Toronto native specializes in the psychology of sexual ...
14 Aug 2024

physics world
Argilus: Thirty years of archaeological digs and discoveries—and counting!

More than 50 students are part of an archaeological mission led by Professor Jacques Perreault in the ancient ...
14 Aug 2024

physics world
All the right moves

UdeM PhD student Eve Charbonneau explains how her hands-on biomechanics research helped Canadian athlete Sophi...
12 Aug 2024

physics world
Looking at the pandemic from a religious angle

An international symposium at UdeM explores the relationship between religion and COVID-19....
12 Aug 2024

physics world
Flexible workplaces: Good or bad for employee retention?

A new study has found that flexible work arrangements can sometimes boost employee retention, but they can als...
08 Aug 2024

physics world
How to write an electronic music score

Digital music professor Nicolas Bernier is developing a method for notating sound textures in electroacoustic ...
08 Aug 2024

physics world
Turning landscaping projects green

Shabnam Rahbar is studying 10 major projects to explore ecological landscaping practices in Quebec....
07 Aug 2024

physics world
Lifestyle habits can alleviate the effects of cancer treatment in children

This summer, UdeM is helping roll out a program across Quebec to reduce the side effects of treatment for chil...
07 Aug 2024

physics world
Sport: a plus for academic success

Participating in sports helps kids do better in school when they become adults, a new study led by psycho-educ...
06 Aug 2024

physics world
On the trail of Indigenous peoples in Outaouais

Led by Christian Gates St-Pierre, twelve anthropology students from UdeM have unearthed thousands of artifacts...
06 Aug 2024

physics world
All but nanometric leadership for Delphine Bouilly

The young professor in the Department of Physics and researcher at IRIC is assuming a growing leadership role ...
05 Aug 2024

physics world
Being there... or not

In collaboration with Magnus Poirier funeral homes, a new study explores the role of in-person and virtual ce...
05 Aug 2024

physics world
Brainstorming to restore a Franciscan convent

On a study trip to Portugal, UdeM architecture students proposed restoration interventions for the Convent of ...
05 Aug 2024

physics world
Novel approach to study hypoxia enables identification of a marker for ovarian cancers

The innovative approach to long-term hypoxia employed by Étienne Gagnon's team has led to the identification ...
01 Aug 2024

physics world
Inspiring youth from Black communities

UdeM medical professor Prévost Jantchou spearheaded the Inspire Foundation’s 4th annual summer Bootcamp, pr...
30 Jul 2024

physics world
UdeM students search for traces of the Mayan past in Guatemala

Seven UdeM anthropology students are in Guatemala working with Professor Christina Halperin to unearth relics ...
30 Jul 2024

physics world
How do parasitic worms affect the oxygen uptake of sunfish?

Vincent Mélançon is spending the summer at UdeM’s biological research station in the Laurentians studying ...
25 Jul 2024

physics world
Helping our bodies beat the heat

Extreme heat poses serious health risks such as electrolyte imbalance, heart attack and kidney failure. Can ou...
25 Jul 2024

physics world
Stress granules play an unsuspected role in blood vessel formation

A study published in Nature Communications raises new hope for the development of treatments for vascular dise...
23 Jul 2024

physics world
Wildfires in Ontario and Manitoba affect air quality in Montreal

In 2021, Montreal’s air quality was degraded by forest fires burning thousands of kilometres away, a study s...
23 Jul 2024

physics world
Is holding a referendum on equality stressful for LGBTIQ+ people?

When Switzerland asked its citizens whether they believed sexual and gender minorities should be allowed to ma...
23 Jul 2024

physics world
Canadian provinces in open competition for economic immigrants

Professor Catherine Xhardez presents the results of a study of provincial policies to attract, select and, abo...
22 Jul 2024

physics world
$750,000 for UdeM’s Clinique Mauve

Open since 2020, the clinic will be able to continue serving migrant and racialized LGBTQIA+ communities thank...
17 Jul 2024

physics world
Doctorate in hand, she's heading to the Paris Olympics

A former javelin thrower, now coordinator of UdeM's Parcours leadership Carabins, Geneviève Cardella-Rinfret ...
17 Jul 2024

physics world
Opioids: a nudge to reduce consumption

When long-term users of prescription opioids in Canada were mailed a brochure encouraging them to cut their do...
11 Jul 2024

physics world
“Forever chemicals” in our food?

This summer, environmental chemistry researcher Sébastien Sauvé will investigate the presence of harmful PFA...
10 Jul 2024

physics world
Couple-based therapy to improve sexual desire

A new form of cognitive-behavioural couple therapy may help women diagnosed with sexual desire disorders and r...
10 Jul 2024

physics world
Found with Webb: a potentially habitable world

A team of astronomers from UdeM has made an exciting discovery about the temperate exoplanet LHS 1140 b: it co...
08 Jul 2024

physics world
Eating disorders among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic

A new study confirms the need to consider the indirect effects of health measure to promote the health and wel...
08 Jul 2024

physics world
Monitor virus progression based on cases of distemper in foxes

Professor Timothée Poisot and his team are developing a model dashboard for monitoring wildlife diseases usin...
03 Jul 2024

physics world
Spinal cord formation in the embryo: the role of a protein family understood

The discovery of the role played by β-arrestins in the formation of the spinal cord at the embryonic stage op...
27 Jun 2024

physics world
UdeM astronomers are helping to build the world’s largest telescope

A Canadian team led by René Doyon will help design and build the ANDES spectrograph, which will search for si...
25 Jun 2024

physics world
Hidden humour, the software developer’s secret weapon

Coders are using creativity and humour to connect with each other....
20 Jun 2024

physics world
Maya Cousineau Mollen named Senior Advisor for First Peoples Relations

Maya Cousineau Mollen is the new Senior Advisor for First Peoples Relations. She will help UdeM carry out its ...
19 Jun 2024

physics world
Predicting problematic pornography use

A new AI-based study has identified predictors of harmful use of pornography....
18 Jun 2024

physics world
Canadian-born visible minorities: A blind spot in labour market integration policies

Whether born in Canada or abroad, members of visible minorities are at a disadvantage in the job market, accor...
17 Jun 2024

physics world
When do Quebec doctors recommend exercise?

Between 2010 and 2020, Quebec doctors became more likely to recommend physical activity for certain diseases b...
13 Jun 2024

physics world
Landolt space mission: more precise measurements of star brightness

Astronomy professor Jonathan Gagné will be part of the Landolt space mission, solving problems caused by erro...
10 Jun 2024

physics world
What’s the right antibiotic for Fido?

The CHUV has developed a new French-language platform in the Firstline app to help veterinarians and students ...
05 Jun 2024

physics world
Research data management: Sharing data to advance knowledge

Research data management lets researchers record, use and share research data. It supports the development of ...
03 Jun 2024

physics world
An inclusive, accessible and sustainable future for architecture in Canada

Professor Jean-Pierre Chupin leads a national partnership to develop roadmaps for more inclusive and sustainab...
31 May 2024

physics world
Basic research at IRIC spawns commercial drugs

Michel Bouvier, CEO of the IRIC for the past 10 years, is delighted to see his model of combining basic resear...
29 May 2024

physics world
When auditory cues affect body representation and vice versa

Auditory input doesn’t provide the body representation system with sufficient information for accurate spati...
28 May 2024

physics world
Sanfilippo syndrome: Major advancement towards developing a treatment

For the first time, a team co-led by Alexey Pshezhetsky resolved the structure of the enzyme deficient in Sanf...
27 May 2024

physics world
Agri-food industry tried to influence revamp of Canada’s Food Guide

Canada’s food industry used a variety of lobbying strategies between 2016 and 2019 to oppose changes to Cana...
24 May 2024

physics world
Self-determination and social identity: Modeling team motivation

A model that combines self-determination theory and social identity theory can shed light on team motivation a...
18 May 2024

physics world
The current state of homophobia, transphobia and biphobia

Professors and researchers Annie Pullen Sansfaçon and Olivier Ferlatte discuss the issues they’re intereste...
16 May 2024

