This morning, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 8-1 that a school district in Pennsylvania violated the First Amendment when it punished a high school student for using vulgar language in a Snapchat message that was posted off school grounds. Indiana University experts in First Amendment law, media law and school discipline are available to comment. For more information contact Marah Yankey at [email protected] or 812-856-1442.
Anthony Fargo
Anthony Fargo is an associate professor in The Media School at Indiana University Bloomington and is the director of the Center for International Media Law and Policy Studies. He is an expert in freedom of speech, anonymous speech, defamation laws and media law.
Brea Perry
Brea Perry is a professor of sociology and an affiliated faculty of the IU Network Science Institute. Perry has led research that has shown that exclusionary school discipline, such as out-of-school suspension, is ineffective and counterproductive. Her research investigates the interrelated roles of social networks, biomarkers, social psychology and social inequality in health and illness, with a particular focus on mental illness and substance use disorders.
Steve Sanders
Steve Sanders teaches constitutional law, constitutional interpretation, family law and constitutional litigation at the IU Maurer School of Law. He has appeared on MSNBC and public radio's To the Point, is a regular legal analyst for Bloomberg Radio, and is frequently quoted by print and online news media about matters of constitutional law and the Supreme Court.
Russ Skiba
Russ Skiba is a professor emeritus in the School Psychology program at IU's School of Education and Director of the Equity Project at IU. Skiba is a nationally recognized expert whose research focuses on the overuse of exclusionary discipline, and in particular, factors that contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in exclusionary school discipline. Skiba has testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, spoken before both Houses of Congress on issues of school discipline and school violence, and in 2008, acted as a special consultant to OSEP on issues of disproportionality and equity in special education.
Joseph Tomain
Joseph A. Tomain is a lecturer at the Maurer School of Law and an expert in media law, the First Amendment and free speech. He has extensive experience in practice, teaching and scholarship on free speech rights, particularly in online environments.