Adam Laats, professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Educational Leadership, studies the history of American education. He is interested in the history of cultural battles over schooling and school reform. His books have examined the campaigns of conservative evangelical Protestants in both K-12 and higher education, the history of creation/evolution debates, and the evolution of conservative thinking about K-12 education. His current research examines the first systematic attempt at urban school reform in American history.

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Educational Historian Looks at Origins of the Culture Wars

In a new book, Fundamentalism and Education in the Scopes Era: God, Darwin and the Roots of America's Culture Wars, Binghamton University educational historian Adam Laats turns his attention to Protestant fundamentalism in the 1920s. He found that the movement has had a major effect on the American school system and also helped lay the foundation for today's culture wars.
20-Apr-2010 08:00:00 AM EDT

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