Latest News from: Georgetown University Medical Center

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Released: 26-May-2022 1:05 PM EDT
Guidance for Talking To Children Following the Elementary School Shooting in Texas
Georgetown University Medical Center

The news out of Uvalde, Texas, where an 18-year-old man gunned down 19 innocent children and two adults and left several critically injured at an elementary school, has left many parents and caregivers wondering how to talk to their children about their safety.

Released: 12-Apr-2019 2:30 PM EDT
Ebola Virus – Subject Matter Experts
Georgetown University Medical Center

Georgetown University faculty offer expertise for journalists seeking interviews in a variety of subjects related to Ebola. Topics include WHO, Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), International Health Regulations, infectious disease control and treatment, vaccine development, clinical trials, and global health security and law.

Released: 30-Aug-2018 12:45 PM EDT
Back to School: Good Mental Health Homework for Parents
Georgetown University Medical Center

Many teens returning to school this month will likely face stressful situations that lead to depression and anxiety— a Georgetown psychiatrist offers important steps parents and other loved ones can take to ensure they maintain good mental health.

Released: 1-Aug-2018 2:05 PM EDT
Ebola Virus - Subject Matter Experts
Georgetown University Medical Center

WASHINGTON — Georgetown University professors offer expertise for journalists seeking interviews in a variety of subjects related to Ebola. Topics include infectious disease control and treatment, vaccine development, clinical trials, global health security, and international health regulations. To schedule an interview, please contact Karen Teber at km463@georgetown.

Released: 19-Jul-2018 12:05 PM EDT
Georgetown Physician On Separated Immigrant Families
Georgetown University Medical Center

The long-lasting impacts of the acute stress and trauma being experienced by children being separated at the US border is "absolutely terrifying," a Georgetown expert in childhood development, trauma, and resilience says.

13-Feb-2017 10:05 AM EST
Using Statistics Ethically to Combat "A Scientific Credibility Crisis"
Georgetown University Medical Center

A recent survey suggests that many researchers have tried and failed to reproduce other scientists' experiments as well as their own. Georgetown University’s Rochelle Tractenberg, PhD, is on a mission to help change that by promoting ethical statistical practices. She’ll lead a panel discussion on the topic Sunday at the AAAS meeting in Boston.

Released: 24-Oct-2016 12:05 AM EDT
The Nat’l Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep reacts to revised @AmerAcadPeds safe sleep recommendation @GUMedCenter
Georgetown University Medical Center

The Steering Committee of the National Action Partnership to Promote Safe Sleep (NAPPSS) is encouraged by the new American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) “SIDS and Other Sleep-Related Infant Deaths: Updated 2016 Recommendations for a Safe Infant Sleeping Environment.”

Released: 3-Oct-2016 9:05 AM EDT
Nobel Prize-Winning Science Is Key to Georgetown Neurotherapeutic Research
Georgetown University Medical Center

Today, the 2016 Nobel Prize in the category of medicine or physiology was awarded to Yoshinori Ohsumi “for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy,” a fundamental process for degrading and recycling cellular components. In describing autophagy, the prize committee says, “Intense research is now ongoing to develop drugs that can target autophagy in various diseases.” Some of that work is well underway at Georgetown University Medical Center.

Released: 29-Jul-2016 10:05 AM EDT
#Zika Has Arrived, But is the U.S. Ready?
Georgetown University Medical Center

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that the Zika virus has been transmitted by mosquito to a person in the continental United States, marking a moment in global health history so many predicted. Despite the advance warning of Zika’s approach, Georgetown experts in infectious disease, public health law and health systems readiness say the United States isn’t ready for a Zika outbreak.
