Latest News from: Bar-Ilan University

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Released: 29-May-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Living fast, dying young: Bar-Ilan University study reveals impact of habitat disturbance on social organization of Arabian babblers
Bar-Ilan University

Habitat change, fragmentation, and reduction caused by human activity are significant threats to the natural environment, leading to a decline in biodiversity and increased species extinction. Among the most vulnerable are social animals, whose intricate social structures and cooperative breeding behaviors are closely linked to their habitats. A new study led by Prof. Lee Koren, from the Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences at Bar-Ilan University, explores the profound effects of habitat disturbance on the Arabian babbler, a social bird species known for its cooperative breeding.

Newswise: Bar-Ilan University researchers develop innovative platform for modeling human muscle diseases in worms
Released: 15-May-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Bar-Ilan University researchers develop innovative platform for modeling human muscle diseases in worms
Bar-Ilan University

Researchers from Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with Sheba Medical Center, have developed a novel platform to model human muscle diseases in the C. elegans worm. This innovation facilitates the study of diseases in a versatile, scalable way, opening the door to more personalized approaches to disease modeling.

Released: 6-May-2024 4:05 AM EDT
In a first, researchers generate a direct measurement of the interaction between immune cells and cancer cells from a patient’s biopsy
Bar-Ilan University

Researchers at Bar-Ilan University have unveiled a technology that promises to improve cancer treatment decisions based on a patient's biopsy.

Newswise:Video Embedded improved-ai-confidence-measure-for-autonomous-vehicles
Released: 14-Apr-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Improved AI confidence measure for autonomous vehicles
Bar-Ilan University

A new Bar-Ilan University study has achieved a milestone in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) by addressing a fundamental question: Can deep learning architectures achieve greatly above-average confidence for a significant portion of inputs while maintaining overall average confidence?

Newswise: Despite dwindling resources, many older adult Israelis exhibited impressive resilience during the initial period of the Israel-Hamas war, Bar-Ilan University study finds
Released: 27-Mar-2024 5:05 AM EDT
Despite dwindling resources, many older adult Israelis exhibited impressive resilience during the initial period of the Israel-Hamas war, Bar-Ilan University study finds
Bar-Ilan University

Following the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war, Bar-Ilan University Prof. Amit Shrira led a study measuring acute stress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms among Israelis between November-December 2023, shedding light on the impact of the conflict on mental health across generations.

Released: 21-Mar-2024 1:05 PM EDT
Bar-Ilan University Researchers Develop Cost-Effective Method to Detect Low Concentrations of Pharmaceutical Waste and Contaminants in Water
Bar-Ilan University

Pharmaceutical waste and contaminants present a growing global concern, particularly in the context of drinking water and food safety. Addressing this critical issue, a new study by researchers at Bar-Ilan University’s Department of Chemistry and Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials has resulted in the development of a highly sensitive plasmonic-based detector, specifically targeting the detection of harmful piperidine residue in water.

Released: 19-Mar-2024 3:05 AM EDT
Nanoparticles activated by ultra-low-energy X-rays effectively halt the aggregation and toxicity of amyloid beta in preclinical models
Bar-Ilan University

A collaborative effort between Israeli and Italian researchers has led to the development of a new treatment strategy targeting the early-stage aggregation of A-beta before the formation of toxic oligomers.

Released: 13-Mar-2024 8:05 AM EDT
Exotic molecules embedded into continuum refuse to break apart, defying initial expectations
Bar-Ilan University

Researchers have unveiled the extraordinary behavior of weakly-bound three-atomic molecules, defying conventional understanding of quantum mechanics.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-does-ai-work
Released: 12-Mar-2024 10:05 AM EDT
How does AI work?
Bar-Ilan University

In an article recently published in Scientific Reports, researchers from Bar-Ilan University reveal the mechanism underlying successful machine learning, which enables it to perform classification tasks with resounding success.

Newswise: Plant seed and fruit analysis from the biblical home of Goliath sheds unprecedented light on Philistine ritual practices
Released: 26-Feb-2024 10:05 PM EST
Plant seed and fruit analysis from the biblical home of Goliath sheds unprecedented light on Philistine ritual practices
Bar-Ilan University

The enigmatic Philistine culture, which flourished during the Iron Age (ca. 1200-604 BCE), profoundly affected the southern Levant's cultural history, agronomy, and dietary customs.

Newswise: Plant seed and fruit analysis from the biblical home of Goliath sheds unprecedented light on Philistine ritual practices
Released: 26-Feb-2024 2:05 AM EST
Plant seed and fruit analysis from the biblical home of Goliath sheds unprecedented light on Philistine ritual practices
Bar-Ilan University

While many aspects of Philistine culture are well-documented, the specifics of Philistine religious practices and deities have long remained shrouded in mystery. The study by Frumin et al. on "Plant-Related Philistine Ritual Practices at Biblical Gath," recently published in Scientific Reports by researchers at Bar-Ilan University, contributes valuable new data to our understanding of the Philistine's ritual practices. The discovery of numerous plants in two temples unearthed at the site unraveled unprecedented insights into Philistine cultic rituals and beliefs – their temple food ingredients, timing of ceremonies, and plants for temple decoration.

Newswise: Bar-Ilan University researchers produce “laboratory testicles”
Released: 19-Feb-2024 3:05 AM EST
Bar-Ilan University researchers produce “laboratory testicles”
Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Nitzan Gonen, a Bar-Ilan University researcher specializing in the process of fetal sex determination, together with research students Aviya Stopel, Cheli Lev and Stav Dahari, has succeeded in creating "laboratory testicles" that may significantly advance understanding of the mechanisms involved in sex determination and provide solutions for male infertility, which affects one in 12 men worldwide.

Released: 15-Feb-2024 11:05 AM EST
Goodbye spoiled fruits and vegetables, hello fresh produce
Bar-Ilan University

At the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, PhD student Belal Abu Salha developed a process of coating fruits and veggies with edible nanoparticles using sonochemistry, and extended the shelf life of strawberries by 15 days.

Released: 12-Feb-2024 8:05 AM EST
Bar-Ilan University study reveals microbiome changes linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Bar-Ilan University

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by decreased social communication and repetitive behaviors, has long intrigued scientists seeking to unravel its underlying mechanisms.

Newswise: Breaking boundaries in quantum photonics:
Groundbreaking nanocavities unlock new frontiers in light confinement
5-Feb-2024 9:30 AM EST
Breaking boundaries in quantum photonics: Groundbreaking nanocavities unlock new frontiers in light confinement
Bar-Ilan University

In a significant leap forward for quantum nanophotonics, a team of European and Israeli physicists, introduces a new type of polaritonic cavities and redefines the limits of light confinement. This pioneering work, detailed in a study published today in Nature Materials, demonstrates an unconventional method to confine photons, overcoming the traditional limitations in nanophotonics.

Newswise:Video Embedded how-can-the-brain-compete-with-ai
Released: 11-Jan-2024 3:45 PM EST
How can the brain compete with AI?
Bar-Ilan University

In an article just published in Physica A, researchers from Bar-Ilan University in Israel show how shallow learning mechanisms can compete with deep learning.

Released: 19-Dec-2023 7:05 AM EST
Breakthrough in the development of a drug for sleeping sickness
Bar-Ilan University

Damage to the protein production capacity neutralizes the trypanosome parasite, which causes sleeping sickness. Joint research by Prof.

Newswise:Video Embedded physicists-overturn-common-assumptions-regarding-brain-activity
Released: 6-Nov-2023 4:05 AM EST
Physicists overturn common assumptions regarding brain activity
Bar-Ilan University

For the last 75 years a core hypothesis of neuroscience has been that the basic computational element of the brain is the neuronal soma, where the long and ramified dendritic trees are only cables that enable them to collect incoming signals from its thousands of connecting neurons.

Released: 27-Oct-2023 10:05 AM EDT
Find-and-replace genome editing with CRISPR: A promising therapeutic Strategy
Bar-Ilan University

CRISPR-Cas9-based genome editing offers hope for treating severe immunodeficiency disorders like SCID, with a novel approach for precise gene replacement, reducing risks and potentially aiding various genetic diseases.

26-Oct-2023 5:05 PM EDT
Find-and-Replace Genome Editing with CRISPR: A Promising Therapeutic Strategy
Bar-Ilan University

A novel replacement strategy termed GE x HDR 2.0: Find and Replace, developed by researchers from Bar-Ilan University and described in published today in Nature Communications, combines CRISPR-Cas9-mediated genome editing with recombinant adeno-associated serotype 6 (rAAV6) DNA donor vectors to precisely replace the RAG2 coding sequence while preserving regulatory elements.

Released: 12-Oct-2023 7:05 AM EDT
Experts on the Israel-Gaza conflict from Bar-Ilan University
Bar-Ilan University

Experts on the Israel-Gaza conflict from Bar-Ilan University are available to speak to the media on matters such as the role of government during crisis, Hamas and terrorist organizations, military strategy, and Communications in times of crisis.

Newswise:Video Embedded better-paths-yield-better-ai
28-Aug-2023 5:00 AM EDT
Better paths yield better AI
Bar-Ilan University

Like climbing a mountain via the shortest possible path, improving classification tasks can be achieved by choosing the most influential path to the output, and not just by learning with deeper networks.

Released: 22-Aug-2023 4:05 AM EDT
Rediscovering the joy of music collection
Bar-Ilan University

A series of three studies led by Prof. Ofer Bergman from Bar-Ilan University has uncovered a fascinating relationship between music collection and listening enjoyment in the era of streaming music.

Newswise: A new milestone for flexible magnetic sensors
Released: 18-Jul-2023 6:05 PM EDT
A new milestone for flexible magnetic sensors
Bar-Ilan University

A group of researchers from Bar-Ilan University and Ben Gurion University has reported a giant leap of more than an order of magnitude improvement in the sensitivity of flexible magneto-resistive sensors.

Newswise: Bar-Ilan University study reveals disparity in quality of life among COVID-19 survivors from different ethnic groups
Released: 5-Jul-2023 6:50 PM EDT
Bar-Ilan University study reveals disparity in quality of life among COVID-19 survivors from different ethnic groups
Bar-Ilan University

A new study conducted by researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel has shed light on the long-term impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life among different ethnic groups in the country. The study, part of a larger cohort project, highlights a significant discrepancy between Arabs and Druze, and Jews, with the two former groups experiencing a more pronounced decline in quality of life one year after infection.

Released: 3-Jul-2023 8:50 AM EDT
Cognitive flexibility moderates teacher stress
Bar-Ilan University

A recently-published study led by Prof. Einat Levy-Gigi, from Bar-Ilan University, examined for the first time the interactive effect of exposure to stress in the school setting and cognitive flexibility on the tendency to develop post-traumatic symptoms among education and teaching staff. One hundred fifty education and teaching personnel (85% women and 15% men with an average age of 43 and average teaching experience of 13 years) volunteered to participate in the study and underwent an assessment of their exposure to stress, their cognitive flexibility, their ability to cope and their level of post-traumatic symptoms.

Released: 26-Jun-2023 9:10 AM EDT
It's a small world after all
Bar-Ilan University

Do you know someone who knows someone? We have all played this game, often to be amazed that despite the extreme scale of human society, random people can be linked through very small chains of acquaintances -- typically, around six. Recently, a group of researchers from across the globe discovered that this magic of six degrees can be explained mathematically. The intriguing phenomenon, they show, is linked to another social experience we all know too well -- the struggle of cost vs. benefit in establishing new social ties.

Newswise: Postsecondary university education improves intelligence of adult students with intellectual disability
Released: 15-May-2023 10:35 AM EDT
Postsecondary university education improves intelligence of adult students with intellectual disability
Bar-Ilan University

Post-secondary education (PSE) has a potential for improving the IQ of adults with mild intellectual disability (ID), according to a new Bar-Ilan University study. The study examined the impact of PSE on students with mild ID who study in a university-based program, known as the Empowerment Project, at the Bar-Ilan University Faculty of Education.

Newswise: More than a decade after the theory of interdependent networks was introduced, researchers establish the first physics laboratory benchmark for its manifestation
28-Apr-2023 1:30 PM EDT
More than a decade after the theory of interdependent networks was introduced, researchers establish the first physics laboratory benchmark for its manifestation
Bar-Ilan University

A breakthrough study by researchers from Bar-Ilan University establishes the first physics laboratory benchmark for the manifestation of the theory of interdependent networks, enabling experimental studies to control and to further develop the multiscale phenomena of complex interdependent materials. This research has vast significance in several disciplines, including basic physics, materials science and device applications.

Released: 23-Apr-2023 3:05 AM EDT
A quantum leap in computational performance of quantum processors
Bar-Ilan University

A project led by a group of researchers from Israel's Bar-Ilan University, in collaboration with TII - the Quantum Research Center in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is advancing quantum computing by improving the performance of superconducting qubits, the basic computation units of a superconducting quantum processor. The improved qubit, called a tunable superconducting flux qubit, is a micron-sized superconducting loop where electrical current can flow clockwise or counterclockwise, or in a quantum superposition of both directions.

18-Apr-2023 4:05 PM EDT
Why are networks stable?
Bar-Ilan University

A single species invades an ecosystem causing its collapse. A cyberattack on the power system causes a major breakdown. These type of events are always on our mind, yet they rarely result in such significant consequences. So how is it that these systems are so stable and resilient that they can withstand such external disruptions? Indeed, these systems lack a central design or blueprint, and still, they exhibit exceptionally reliable functionality.

Newswise: Is Deep Learning a necessary ingredient for Artificial Intelligence?
17-Apr-2023 5:00 AM EDT
Is Deep Learning a necessary ingredient for Artificial Intelligence?
Bar-Ilan University

The key question driving new research published today in Scientific Reports is whether efficient learning of non-trivial classification tasks can be achieved using brain-inspired shallow feedforward networks, while potentially requiring less computational complexity.

Released: 22-Mar-2023 8:05 AM EDT
Gut microbes can help diagnose gestational diabetes as early as the first trimester of pregnancy
Bar-Ilan University

A new Bar-Ilan University study has found that gestational diabetes can be diagnosed as early as the first trimester of pregnancy -- months earlier than typically detected.

Newswise: Using light to connect molecules
Released: 2-Mar-2023 7:05 AM EST
Using light to connect molecules
Bar-Ilan University

One study, led by the Toker group from Bar-Ilan University in Israel, observed peptide bond formation in clusters containing four serine dipeptides that were heated up by collisions. However, they found no evidence for the same process occurring in serine clusters. In that work they concluded that if two serine molecules can bind together to form a dipeptide, then the next stages of polymerization could probably occur readily.

Newswise: Is brain learning weaker than artificial Intelligence?
Released: 30-Jan-2023 5:00 AM EST
Is brain learning weaker than artificial Intelligence?
Bar-Ilan University

Can the brain, with its limited realization of precise mathematical operations, compete with advanced artificial intelligence systems implemented on fast and parallel computers? From our daily experience we know that for many tasks the answer is yes! Why is this and, given this affirmative answer, can one build a new type of efficient artificial intelligence inspired by the brain? In an article published today in Scientific Reports, researchers from Bar-Ilan University in Israel solve this puzzle.

Released: 22-Jan-2023 7:05 AM EST
Study suggests a paradigm shift in our understanding of a well-known astrophysical phenomenon
Bar-Ilan University

Matter outflows in the form of jets are observed in astronomical systems at fast, medium and slow speeds. The fastest jets are highly relativistic, namely travel very close to the speed of light. The origin, as well as many properties of the jets, is uncertain.

Newswise: New molecular blocker halts breast cancer metastasis
Released: 17-Jan-2023 8:05 AM EST
New molecular blocker halts breast cancer metastasis
Bar-Ilan University

Cancer cells use feet-like protrusions called invadopodia to degrade underlying tissue, enter the bloodstream and form metastases in other organs.

Newswise: Quantum computers: Bar-Ilan University researchers develop superconducting flux qubits with unprecedented reproducibility
Released: 9-Jan-2023 8:05 AM EST
Quantum computers: Bar-Ilan University researchers develop superconducting flux qubits with unprecedented reproducibility
Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Michael Stern and co-workers from the Department of Physics and Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology (QUEST) Center at Bar-Ilan University in Israel are attempting to build superconducting processors based on a type of circuit called superconducting flux qubits. A flux qubit is a micron-sized superconducting loop where electrical current can flow clockwise or counter-clockwise, or in a quantum superposition of both directions. Contrary to transmon qubits, these flux qubits are highly non-linear objects and can thus be manipulated on very short time scales with high fidelity. The main drawback of flux qubits, however, is that they are particularly difficult to control and to fabricate. This leads to sizeable irreproducibility and has limited their use in the industry until now to quantum annealing optimization processes such as the ones realized by D-Wave. Using a novel fabrication technique and state-of the-art equipment, a group led by Dr. Stern, in collaboration with Pr

Released: 3-Jan-2023 9:55 AM EST
Israel Ministry of Energy selects Bar-Ilan University and the Technion to establish $36.8 million national research institute in energy storage
Bar-Ilan University

Bar-Ilan University and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have won a call published by the Israel Ministry of Energy for the establishment of a national research institute in the field of energy storage.

2-Dec-2022 5:50 PM EST
Vaccine hesitancy predicts future COVID-19 vaccine side effects
Bar-Ilan University

The precise relationship between vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 vaccination side effects has not previously been explored in vaccinated persons. A fundamental question arises in regard to the directionality of this vaccine hesitancy-vaccine side effect link, namely which variable predicts which. One possibility is that side effects from an earlier dose predict one’s vaccine hesitancy towards a later dose. Alternatively, one’s psychological negativity (hesitancy) towards an earlier dose could predict subsequent side effects from a later vaccination dose. The latter direction reflects a Nocebo effect, i.e., side effects driven by psychological factors rather than by an active treatment component. Results showed only the latter direction to be true. Namely, only earlier vaccine hesitancy towards the second COVID-19 dose predicted subsequent nocebo side-effects following the booster vaccination. To put this in perspective up to 16% of one’s vaccine side effects were explained by earlier va

Released: 29-Nov-2022 8:05 AM EST
The nano-magnets that will restore damaged nerve cells
Bar-Ilan University

When neurons are damaged by degenerative disease or injury, they have little, if any, ability to heal on their own. Restoring neural networks and their normal function is therefore a significant challenge in the field of tissue engineering. Prof. Orit Shefi and doctoral student Reut Plen from the Kofkin Faculty of Engineering at Bar-Ilan University have developed a novel technique to overcome this challenge using nanotechnology and magnetic manipulations, one of the most innovative approaches to creating neural networks.

Released: 29-Sep-2022 2:30 PM EDT
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Bar-Ilan University

The brain is composed of millions of billions of neurons which communicate with each other.

Newswise:Video Embedded unreliable-neurons-improve-brain-functionalities
26-Sep-2022 5:00 AM EDT
Unreliable neurons improve brain functionalities
Bar-Ilan University

Neuronal silencing periods facilitate an advantageous mechanism for temporal sequence identification and demonstrate a useful new AI mechanism for ATM's equipped with secure handwriting recognition.

7-Sep-2022 4:05 PM EDT
Vaccines dramatically reduce the risk of long-term effects of COVID-19
Bar-Ilan University

Being vaccinated with at least two doses of Pfizer vaccines dramatically reduces most of the long-term symptoms individuals reported months after contracting COVID-19, a new study shows.

Newswise: Bar-Ilan University researchers produce nanodiamonds capable of delivering medicinal and cosmetic remedies through the skin
Released: 30-Aug-2022 11:25 AM EDT
Bar-Ilan University researchers produce nanodiamonds capable of delivering medicinal and cosmetic remedies through the skin
Bar-Ilan University

Combining techniques in nanotechnology and optics, researchers produced tiny (nanometric) diamond particles so small that they are capable of penetrating skin to deliver medicinal and cosmetic remedies. In addition, they created a safe, laser-based optical method that quantifies nanodiamond penetration into the various layers of the skin and determines their location and concentration within body tissue in a non-invasive manner – eliminating the need for a biopsy.

Newswise: Where were Herod the Great's royal alabaster bathtubs quarried?
Released: 17-May-2022 10:50 AM EDT
Where were Herod the Great's royal alabaster bathtubs quarried?
Bar-Ilan University

From the Middle Bronze Age, Egypt played a crucial role in the appearance of calcite-alabaster artifacts in Israel, and the development of the local gypsum-alabaster industry.

Newswise:Video Embedded new-brain-learning-mechanism-calls-for-revision-of-long-held-neuroscience-hypothesis
25-Apr-2022 3:40 PM EDT
New Brain Learning Mechanism Calls for Revision of Long-Held Neuroscience Hypothesis
Bar-Ilan University

In an article published today in Scientific Reports (, researchers from Bar-Ilan University in Israel reveal that the brain learns completely differently than has been assumed since the 20th century. The new experimental observations suggest that learning is mainly performed in neuronal dendritic trees, where the trunk and branches of the tree modify their strength, as opposed to modifying solely the strength of the synapses (dendritic leaves), as was previously thought. These observations also indicate that the neuron is actually a much more complex, dynamic and computational element than a binary element that can fire or not. Just one single neuron can realize deep learning algorithms, which previously required an artificial complex network consisting of thousands of connected neurons and synapses. The new demonstration of efficient learning on dendritic trees calls for new approaches in brain research, as well as for the generation

Released: 18-Mar-2022 10:40 AM EDT
Corals may look healthy, but coastal urbanization is destroying their delicate biorhythm
Bar-Ilan University

Coral reefs in the Gulf of Eilat (also known as the Gulf of Aqaba) have been proven particularly resistant to global warming, rising water temperatures and bleaching events that are crippling their counterparts elsewhere around the world.

Released: 4-Mar-2022 3:55 PM EST
Choosing to be with others is more consequential to well-being than choosing to be alone
Bar-Ilan University

Do we enjoy our time more when we are alone, or when we're in the company of others? A new study by researchers from Bar-Ilan University in Israel has found that the element of choice in our daily social interactions plays a key role in our well-being.

Newswise: Prehistoric human vertebra discovered in the Jordan Valley tells the story of prehistoric migration from Africa
Released: 2-Feb-2022 4:50 PM EST
Prehistoric human vertebra discovered in the Jordan Valley tells the story of prehistoric migration from Africa
Bar-Ilan University

A new study, led by researchers from Bar-Ilan University, Ono Academic College, The University of Tulsa, and the Israel Antiquities Authority, presents a 1.5 million-year-old human vertebra discovered in Israel's Jordan Valley.

Showing results 1 – 50 of 75
