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Release date: 13-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT
نصائح لتفادي الإصابة بجروح أثناء ركوب الدراجات الهوائية
Mayo Clinic

روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا — يعد ركوب الدراجات طريقة رائعة للبقاء نشطًا والاستمتاع بالهواء الطلق. وسواء كنت تركبها من أجل الترفيه أو تسافر بها يوميًا، فمن المهم حماية يديك ومعصميك. يشارك سانج كاكار، دكتور في الطب، جراح تقويم العظام في مايو كلينك في مدينة روتشستر، ولاية مينيسوتا والمتخصص في اليدين والمعصمين، نصائح لتفادي الإصابة بجروح أثناء ركوب الدراجات الهوائية.

Newswise: Organic farmers’ beliefs about soil microbiome affect their practices, study shows
Release date: 13-Jun-2024 4:05 PM EDT
Organic farmers’ beliefs about soil microbiome affect their practices, study shows
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Organic farming can support soil microorganisms that promote plant defenses and reduce insect pests. But not all organic practices are equally beneficial for soil microbes, and it’s important to understand farmer motivations in order to encourage the adoption of microbiome-supportive efforts. A new study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and Cornell University looks at how organic farmers’ beliefs about the microbiome influence their soil management practices.

Release date: 13-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Consejos para evitar lesiones durante el ciclismo
Mayo Clinic

Andar en bicicleta es una excelente manera de mantenerse activo y disfrutar del aire libre. Ya sea que sea un ciclista recreativo o diario, es importante proteger sus manos y muñecas. El Dr. Sanj Kakar, cirujano ortopédico en Mayo Clinic en Rochester, Minnesota, experto en manos y muñecas, comparte consejos prácticos para evitar lesiones durante el ciclismo. Si es un profesional o anda en bicicleta por diversión, hay lesiones comunes que todos los ciclistas pueden experimentar.

Release date: 13-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Dicas para evitar lesões durante o ciclismo
Mayo Clinic

Andar de bicicleta é uma ótima maneira de se manter ativo e desfrutar do ar livre. Quer seja um ciclista recreativo ou diário, é importante proteger as suas mãos e pulsos. O Dr. Sanj Kakar, cirurgião ortopédico na Mayo Clinic em Rochester, Minnesota, especializado em mãos e pulsos, compartilha dicas práticas para evitar lesões durante o ciclismo.

Release date: 13-Jun-2024 3:05 PM EDT
Privacy-enhancing browser extensions fail to meet user needs, new NYU Tandon School of Engineering study finds
NYU Tandon School of Engineering

Popular web browser extensions designed to protect user privacy and block online ads are falling short, according to NYU Tandon School of Engineering researchers, who are proposing new measurement methodologies to better uncover and quantify these shortcomings.

Release date: 13-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
AI Can Help Doctors Make Better Decisions and Save Lives
Mount Sinai Health System

Deploying and evaluating a machine learning intervention to improve clinical care and patient outcomes is a key step in moving clinical deterioration models from byte to bedside, according to a June 13 editorial in Critical Care Medicine that comments on a Mount Sinai study published in the same issue. The main study found that hospitalized patients were 43 percent more likely to have their care escalated and significantly less likely to die if their care team received AI-generated alerts signaling adverse changes in their health.

Newswise: The promising world of bacteriophages, the pathogen’s pathogen
Release date: 13-Jun-2024 2:05 PM EDT
The promising world of bacteriophages, the pathogen’s pathogen
University of Utah

University of Utah biologists are unlocking the mystery of how bacteria harness viruses to wipe out the competition. Answers could lead to the development of alternatives to broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Newswise: Research could lead to treatments for obesity, extreme weight loss
Release date: 13-Jun-2024 12:05 PM EDT
Research could lead to treatments for obesity, extreme weight loss
UT Southwestern Medical Center

Mysterious cells that secrete hormones in the large intestine play a key role in regulating body weight through their relationship with intestinal bacteria, a study led by UT Southwestern Medical Center researchers suggests. Their findings, published in Nature Metabolism, could lead to new treatments for obesity and extreme weight loss.

Release date: 13-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Researchers to Develop Predictive Model for Opioid Addiction in High-Risk Patients
UC San Diego Health

UC San Diego School of Medicine part of $50M initiative to use predictive AI to help fight opioid abuse.

Newswise: Ripe for knowledge: unraveling the genetic ties of banana softening
Released: 13-Jun-2024 11:05 AM EDT
Ripe for knowledge: unraveling the genetic ties of banana softening
Chinese Academy of Sciences

A pivotal study has pinpointed a novel bHLH gene, MabHLH28, as a key regulator of banana fruit ripening. This gene significantly influences the softening process by upregulating the expression of softening-related genes, either independently or in synergy with MaWRKY49/111.
