SUNY Buffalo State sociology professor Zhang Jie—an internationally known suicidology scholar—is available to speak with the media about celebrity suicides.

Zhang was the lead author of “Psychological strains found in the suicides of 72 celebrities,” published in the July 2013 edition of the Journal of Affective Disorders.

“When individuals' careers are going downhill," the study noted, "such as from the loss of a job, termination of a contract, the halting of a production, or bankruptcy, psychological counseling is needed for many of them. The person may compare him/herself with others who are still productive and prosperous, with a focus on his/her own deprivation, which could be simply relative in nature. These unrealistic comparisons may lead to psychological strains.” The full article can be found online.

Zhang has published studies both in China and the United States on the social and cultural effects on suicide. He is a social scientist with numerous grants from various sources including the National Institutes of Health. Zhang also serves as the director of Buffalo State’s Center for China Studies.

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