Newswise — David Ray Griffin, Ph.D., executive director of the Center for Process Studies, has signed on as a guest editor of The "Science-and-Religion Guide," Science & Theology News' exclusive, ongoing series on topics in science, spirituality and health. Griffin will oversee Part 3, on panentheism, which will appear in the May 2005 issue.

Also a professor of philosophy of religion and theology at the Claremont School of Theology, Griffin has spent more than 20 years working to promote the ideas of process thought in varying fields. He has authored and edited a number of books, compilations and articles on process theology, including Religion and Scientific Naturalism: Overcoming the Conflicts and Reenchantment Without Supernaturalism: A Process Philosophy of Religion. Griffin has also presented papers and given keynote lectures at conferences across the globe.

The seven-part "Science-and-Religion Guide" is designed to equip new and/or curious readers with the tools to better understand the important issues at the crux of science-and-religion. Each eight-page section will include a timeline of events, a Q&A with a researcher in the field, a booklist, resources, key players, a column by the guest editor and an in-depth article by a Science & Theology News staff member, who will break down the topic's relevance to the worlds of science and religion. Appearing periodically through March 2006, the "Science-and-Religion Guide" will give readers, researchers, academics and journalists a working understanding of multiverse theory, mind-body medicine, panentheism, religiosity and youth, intelligent design, altruism and emergence theory.

For more information about the "Science-and-Religion Guide," contact Marisa Connolly, marketing director, at [email protected]. Please direct advertising inquiries to Jocelyn Godfrey, advertising director, at [email protected]. For subscription information, contact Jennifer Doxsee at [email protected], or sign up online:

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Science & Theology News is the monthly, international newspaper focusing on the cooperative relationship between science and religion. Every issue features science-and-religion research reports, interviews with respected scholars and reviews of influential books, and each article includes analysis of science and its correlation with spirituality. We also publish the most accurate and complete calendar of future events and conferences in the field. Founded in 2000 as Research News and Opportunities in Science & Theology and funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation, Science & Theology News has a circulation of over 30,000 and an audience of both national and international readers. Visit us on the Web at