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    DOE Announces $2.3 Million for Public-Private Partnerships to Advance Fusion Energy

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced $2.3 million in funding for 10 projects that will pair private industry with DOE's National Laboratories to overcome challenges in fusion energy development, an area of research that captivated global attention in December when the Department announced that a team at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory had achieved fusion ignition. Ignition, in which more energy was derived from fusion than was put into it, had never been accomplished before in a laboratory setting and raised hopes that fusion energy could play a major role in the transition to clean energy.

    A new tool helps map out where to develop clean energy infrastructure

    A new tool helps map out where to develop clean energy infrastructure

    An update to the Energy Zones Mapping Tool, the Geospatial Energy Mapper is an online tool with an extensive catalog of mapping data for energy planning. It can help identify areas that are suitable for clean energy infrastructure projects.

    Department of Energy Announces $17 Million for Small Business Research and Development Grants

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced awards totaling $17 million for small businesses in 25 states. The 77 projects are in the fields of advanced scientific computing and scientific instrumentation that support DOE's clean energy mission.

    Department of Energy Announces $56 Million for Traineeships Supporting Historically Underrepresented Groups and Institutions

    Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $56 million to provide research opportunities to historically underrepresented groups and institutions in STEM. The funding, through the DOE Office of Science's Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) initiative, will support internships, mentorship, and training programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and other research institutions. These investments will diversify American leadership in the physical, biological, and computational sciences to ensure America's best and brightest students have pathways to STEM fields.

    Department of Energy to Support Outstanding Undergraduate Students from 2-/4-year Colleges and Universities and Faculty Members from Institutions Underrepresented in the Scientific Research Enterprise

    The Department of Energy's (DOE's) Office of Science will sponsor the participation of 148 undergraduate students and seven faculty members in three STEM-focused workforce development programs at 13 DOE national laboratories and the national fusion facility during Spring 2023. Collectively, these programs ensure DOE and our nation have a diverse, strong, sustained workforce trained in the skills needed to address the energy, environment, and national security challenges of today and tomorrow.

    Scientists develop novel method to explore plant-microbe interactions

    Scientists develop novel method to explore plant-microbe interactions

    DOE funding allows researchers to gain closer look into plant-microbe symbioses.

    Argonne researchers win defense programs award for nuclear safety work

    Argonne researchers win defense programs award for nuclear safety work

    Argonne researchers receive award for work securing America's stockpile.

    Department of Energy Announces $35 Million to Build Research Capacity, Infrastructure, and Expertise at Institutions Historically Underrepresented in Science

    Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $35 million to build research capacity, infrastructure, and expertise at institutions historically underrepresented in science, including minority serving institutions (MSIs) and emerging research institutions (ERIs). FAIR will enhance research at these institutions on clean energy, climate, and additional topics spanning the Office of Science portfolio. This investment will help develop a diverse, vibrant, and excellent scientific workforce and contribute to the science innovation ecosystem.

    DOE National Laboratory Makes History by Achieving Fusion Ignition

    For the first time, researchers produce more energy from fusion than was used to drive it, promising further discovery in clean power and nuclear weapons stewardship.

    DOE Announces $32 Million in Research Opportunities for Underrepresented Groups

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced 41 awards totaling $32 million to 37 institutions to support historically underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and diversify American leadership in the physical sciences, including energy and climate. The funding, through the DOE Office of Science's Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) initiative, will support internships, training programs, and mentor opportunities at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), other Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), and other research institutions. Ensuring America's best and brightest students have pathways to STEM fields will be key to achieving President Biden's energy and climate goals, including achieving a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.

    Argonne researchers awarded joint projects in advanced computing

    Argonne researchers awarded joint projects in advanced computing

    Argonne scientists were awarded Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing projects in nuclear and high energy physics, and Earth system model development. They will partner with DOE national labs to connect experts and high performance computers.

    UTEP Receives $5M Department of Energy Grant to Train Next Generation Nuclear Security Workforce

    UTEP Receives $5M Department of Energy Grant to Train Next Generation Nuclear Security Workforce

    The University of Texas at El Paso in partnership with the University of New Mexico and the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University will prepare the next generation of nuclear security enterprise talent to develop electronics for extreme environments through a five-year, $5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy.

    Brookhaven's Veljko Radeka Recognized by International Committee for Future Accelerators

    Brookhaven's Veljko Radeka Recognized by International Committee for Future Accelerators

    Veljko Radeka, a senior scientist in the Instrumentation Division at the U. S. Department of Energy' (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory, has had a long, distinguished scientific career touching several areas of research and inspiring colleagues, collaborators, and students along the way. The International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) recently recognized the contributions Radeka has made in the field of instrumentation, as well as his role as a leader, with the 2022 ICFA Instrumentation Award.

    Nuclear Theorists Collaborate to Explore 'Heavy Flavor' Particles

    Nuclear Theorists Collaborate to Explore 'Heavy Flavor' Particles

    Scientists at Brookhaven Lab will participate in a new Topical Theory Collaboration to explore the behavior of so-called 'heavy flavor' particles. These particles are made of quarks of the 'charm' and 'bottom' varieties. By understanding how these exotic particles form, evolve, and interact during powerful particle collisions, scientists will gain a deeper understanding of a unique form of matter that filled the early universe.

    Brookhaven Lab to Lead New 'Saturated Glue' Theory Collaboration

    Brookhaven Lab to Lead New 'Saturated Glue' Theory Collaboration

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced funding for a new Topical Theory Collaboration to be led by DOE's Brookhaven National Laboratory that will aid in the discovery and exploration of a saturated state of gluons. These aptly named particles carry the nuclear strong force, acting as the 'glue' that holds together quarks, the building blocks of all visible matter.

    Department of Energy Announces $11.24 Million for Research on Nuclear Theory Topical Collaborations

    Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $11.24 million for five topical theory collaborations in nuclear physics (NP). These projects bring together leading nuclear theorists to collaboratively focus on solving challenging problems central to advancing knowledge in nuclear physics.

    Nuclear Physics Gets a Boost for High-Performance Computing

    Nuclear Physics Gets a Boost for High-Performance Computing

    Efforts to harness the power of supercomputers to better understand the hidden worlds inside the nucleus of the atom recently received a big boost. A project led by the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is one of three to split $35 million in grants from the DOE via a partnership program of DOE's Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SciDAC). The $13 million project includes key scientists based at six DOE national labs and two universities, including Jefferson Lab, Argonne National Lab, Brookhaven National Lab, Oak Ridge National Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Los Alamos National Lab, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and William & Mary.

    Argonne researchers awarded $3.8 million to study clean energy

    Argonne researchers awarded $3.8 million to study clean energy

    Argonne chemist Karen Mulfort and her research team were awarded $3.8 million across three years to study clean energy.

    From Qubits to Potential Cancer Treatments: Laser Upgrade Opens New Research Possibilities

    From Qubits to Potential Cancer Treatments: Laser Upgrade Opens New Research Possibilities

    Things are looking brighter than ever at the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator Center. A recently completed upgrade will expand the center's capabilities into new areas, including studies of particle acceleration, extremely hot plasmas, cancer treatment techniques, and materials for quantum science.

    Department of Energy Announces $4.3 Million for Research on Artificial Intelligence in High Energy Physics

    Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $4.3 million in funding for 16 projects in artificial intelligence (AI) research for high energy physics (HEP). These awards support the DOE Office of Science initiative in artificial intelligence research to use AI techniques to deliver scientific discoveries that would not otherwise be possible, and to broaden participation in high energy physics research.

    Argonne awarded $6 million to develop technologies for recycling nuclear fuel

    Argonne awarded $6 million to develop technologies for recycling nuclear fuel

    Recycling used nuclear fuel makes the most of nuclear power's carbon-free energy potential. Argonne has received major funding to develop technologies that may result in a sustainable fuel stock and a reduction in U.S. dependency on fossil fuels.

    Chris Heckle named manufacturing director at Argonne National Laboratory

    Chris Heckle named manufacturing director at Argonne National Laboratory

    Globally recognized research and development leader Chris Heckle has been appointed as the first director of the Materials Manufacturing Innovation Centerat the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory.

    Jefferson Lab Welcomes a 'New' Hall Group Leader

    Jefferson Lab Welcomes a 'New' Hall Group Leader

    After an extensive international search, the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility has appointed Mark Jones as the new group leader of the lab's Experimental Halls A and C. He began his tenure Nov. 1.

    Liquid-to-solid battery electrolyte technology licensed exclusively to Safire

    Liquid-to-solid battery electrolyte technology licensed exclusively to Safire

    The Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory has exclusively licensed battery electrolyte technology to Safire Technology Group. The collection of five patented technologies are designed for a drop-in additive for lithium-ion batteries that prevents explosions and fire from impact.

    Argonne and Economic Development Administration partner to launch national economic research center

    Argonne and Economic Development Administration partner to launch national economic research center

    A new joint partnership between DOE's Argonne National Laboratory and the Economic Development Administration creates a bridge that connects the economic development community with the complex research and data that informs good decisions.