Newswise — The uncertainties of the looming “fiscal cliff” and other threats to federal research funding have necessitated new approaches in financial assistance for prospective PhD students at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing (JHUSON). While the School continues its expectation and support to doctoral students in securing funding from external sources, the PhD program will now provide funding through the first year of study and offer graduate assistantships for students in their second year and beyond. With a 20-hour-a-week research and/or teaching assistant requirement, the graduate assistantship will help PhD students avoid the necessity of seeking employment off-campus, a scenario that often leads to longer years of study.

“The graduate assistantship contributes directly to the students’ professional development by offering the hands-on experience of engaging in research and/or teaching in their areas of expertise and interest,” says Hae-Ra Han, PhD, RN, FAAN, director of the PhD program.

With an enviable record of PhD student external funding, the majority of students were successful in obtaining grants from the National Institutes of Health and others to cover tuition and additional costs in their third year of study and beyond. Yet as federal funding declines and continues to be threatened by future federal budget cuts, other mechanisms are essential to support those students who are unable or—in the case of the growing number of international students—ineligible to obtain this type of support. In addition to the Graduate Assistant program that offers full tuition and $22,032 for 12 months, other Johns Hopkins nursing PhD fellowships and numerous scholarships will help bridge the potential gap in federal funding, including:

Johns Hopkins Hospital Clinical Research Fellowships--full tuition and $22,032 for one year—provides students the opportunity for direct practice in a rich and diverse clinical practice environment at one of the nation’s top hospitals.

Jonas Scholars Program--$5,000 per year matched with $5,000 from the School for two years—is available to students who are committed to teach future generations of nurses. • Maryann Fralic Doctoral Awards--$2,500 per award--to help doctoral students in their dissertation phase.

To learn more about the JHUSON PhD program, its financial assistance, and how to apply, visit

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