Newswise — CHICAGO – The Institute of Food Technologists Student Association (IFTSA) today named more than 20 student groups from around the world as winners of the 2017 IFTSA competitions. Held annually to engage IFT’s student members to share their research and explore critical issues outside of the classroom, the competitions range from creating viable food products for underserved populations to producing multimedia content to educate and inspire. Students competed individually or on teams in a variety of categories that aim to advance the study and profession of the science of food. IFT announced the winners at IFT17: Go With Purpose in Las Vegas.

Chapter of the Year

The Chapter of the Year Award honors one university student organization for exceptional participation, strong leadership, community outreach and providing opportunities that utilize the talents of all their members. This competition also honors an outstanding chapter in each of the following areas: National Engagement, Public Outreach, Organizational Growth, and Membership Experiences.

2017 IFTSA Chapter of the Year: Rutgers University

Outstanding Chapter for National Engagement: North Carolina State University

Outstanding Chapter for Organizational Growth: Rutgers University

Outstanding Chapter Membership Experience: Cal Poly Pomona

Outstanding Chapter in Public Outreach: Cornell University

College Bowl Competition

Since 1985, the IFTSA College Bowl Competition has tested the knowledge of student teams from across the United States in the areas of food science and technology, history of foods and food processing, food law, and general IFT/food-related trivia. The College Bowl is designed to facilitate interaction among students from different universities, stimulate the students' desire to accumulate and retain knowledge, and provide a forum for students to engage in friendly competition. Teams for IFT Student Chapters in eight geographical areas of the Student Association competed in area competitions prior to the IFT Annual Meeting. The winning teams from the eight areas competed in a final competition at the Annual Meeting.

First Place: Pennsylvania State University

Second Place: University of Wisconsin Madison

Third Place: University of California Davis

Developing Solutions for Developing Countries Competition

The IFTSA Developing Solutions for Developing Countries competition promotes the application of food science and technology and the development of new products and processes that are targeted at improving the quality of life for people in developing countries.

First Place: University of Costa Rica with Guini

Second Place: Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) with P-Noodle

Third Place: Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia) with Chinut

Honorable Mentions: University of Wisconsin Madison; Wagemein University; Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Disney/IFTSA Nutritious Food for Kids Product Development Competition

The Disney-IFTSA Product Development Competition provides a team with the opportunity to propose a market-relevant, delicious and nutritious snack that can be sold as product for a retail outlet, targets children ages 10 and younger, and meets Disney Nutrition Guideline criteria for mini meals, side dishes, or snacks.

Grand Prize: Penn State with Snow White’s Apple Delights

First Place: University of Guelph with The Chosen Bun

Honorable Mentions: Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo; Michigan State University; Virginia Tech

Excellence in Leadership Awards

The Excellence in Leadership Award recognizes two student members of IFT, one undergraduate and one graduate student, who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in their execution of student activities that furthers the mission of IFT. 

Graduate Winner: Shantrell Willis, Alabama A&M University

Undergraduate Winner: Laura Borovilos, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

The 27th Annual IFTSA & MARS Product Development Competition

The 27th Annual IFT Student Association & MARS Product Development Competition is a chance for students to take all of the skills and knowledge learned in school and apply them to a real-world situation. Each participating school's team develops a new food idea and carries the concept through marketing and production, much like a commercial product development team. 

First Place: Cornell University

Second Place: Michigan State University

Third Place: University of Wisconsin – Madison

Honorable Mentions: Penn State University; Virginia Tech; Rutgers University

IFTSA Thesis Video Competition

This competition, developed by Camden BRI and IFTSA, invited graduate students to submit their research in a concise, creative three-minute video. The winner will have the opportunity to visit Camden BRI in the United Kingdom to experience each of the major divisions within Campden BRI (science, technology, brewing, and knowledge management) focusing on the most relevant areas of their area of study.

Winner: Zachary Cartwright, Washington State University

Undergraduate Research Competition

The Undergraduate Research Competition is designed to encourage and stimulate interest in undergraduate research in food science and technology, provide an opportunity for food science undergraduates to organize and present their original work, and provide a venue for networking within IFTSA for undergraduate students as well as members of industry and academia.

First Place: Anya Kwan, Harvey Mudd College

Second Place: Dean Hauser, Cornell University

Third Place: Ana Schmenk The Ohio State University

Honorable Mentions: Carolina Zuniga, University of Costa Rica; Katia Pozuelo Bonilla, Zamorano University; Alexander Mills, University of Massachusetts

Fun Run + Fitness

The annual Fun Run + Fitness competition, hosted by Feeding Tomorrow, raises support for the next generation of professionals in the science of food.

Winner: Vidita Deshpande, Utah State University



About IFT

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) is a global organization of 17,000 individual members from more than 100 countries committed to advancing the science of food. Since 1939, IFT has brought together the brightest minds in food science, technology and related professions from academia, government, and industry to solve the world’s greatest food challenges. Our organization works to ensure that our members have the resources they need to learn, grow, and advance the science of food as the population and the world evolve. We believe that science is essential to ensuring a global food supply that is sustainable, safe, nutritious, and accessible to all. For more information, please visit


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