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    Diamond 'Spin-Off' Tech Could Lead to Low-Cost Medical Imaging and Drug Discovery Tools

    Diamond 'Spin-Off' Tech Could Lead to Low-Cost Medical Imaging and Drug Discovery Tools

    An international team led by scientists at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley discovered how to exploit defects in nanoscale and microscale diamonds and potentially enhance the sensitivity of magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear magnetic resonance systems while eliminating the need for their costly and bulky superconducting magnets.

    PROSPECTing For Antineutrinos

    PROSPECTing For Antineutrinos

    The Precision Reactor Oscillation and Spectrum Experiment (PROSPECT) has completed installation of a novel antineutrino detector that will probe the possible existence of a new form of matter - sterile neutrinos.

    How to Cope with Cases of Mistaken Identity: MINERvA's Tale of Pions and Neutrinos

    How to Cope with Cases of Mistaken Identity: MINERvA's Tale of Pions and Neutrinos

    Neutral pion production is a major character in a story of mistaken identity worthy of an Agatha Christie novel.

    Perfecting the Noise-Canceling Neutrino Detector

    Perfecting the Noise-Canceling Neutrino Detector

    MicroBooNE neutrino experiment cuts through the noise, clearing the way for signals made by the hard-to-detect particle.

    Supersonic Waves May Help Electronics Beat the Heat

    Supersonic Waves May Help Electronics Beat the Heat

    Researchers at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory made the first observations of waves of atomic rearrangements, known as phasons, propagating supersonically through a vibrating crystal lattice--a discovery that may dramatically improve heat transport in insulators and enable new strategies for heat management in future electronics devices.

    Riding Bacterium to the Bank

    Riding Bacterium to the Bank

    Jet fuel, pantyhose and plastic soda bottles are all products currently derived from petroleum. Sandia National Laboratories scientists have demonstrated a new technology based on bioengineered bacteria that makes it feasible to produce all three from renewable plant sources.

    Flexible, Highly Efficient Multimodal Energy Harvesting

    Flexible, Highly Efficient Multimodal Energy Harvesting

    A piezoelectric ceramic foam supported by a flexible polymer support provides a 10-fold increase in the ability to harvest mechanical and thermal energy over standard piezo composites, according to Penn State researchers.

    PNNL Successfully Vitrifies Three Gallons of Radioactive Tank Waste

    PNNL Successfully Vitrifies Three Gallons of Radioactive Tank Waste

    News Release RICHLAND, Wash. -- In a first-of-its-kind demonstration, researchers at the Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory have vitrified low-activity waste from underground storage tanks at Hanford, immobilizing the radioactive and chemical materials within a durable glass waste form.Approximately three gallons of low-activity Hanford tank waste were vitrified at PNNL's Radiochemical Processing Laboratory in April.

    Living Large: Exploration of Diverse Bacteria Signals Big Advance for Gene Function Prediction

    Living Large: Exploration of Diverse Bacteria Signals Big Advance for Gene Function Prediction

    Scientists at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), including researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute (JGI), have developed a workflow that enables large-scale, genome-wide assays of gene importance across many conditions. The study, "Mutant Phenotypes for Thousands of Bacterial Genes of Unknown Function," has been published in the journal Nature and is by far the largest functional genomics study of bacteria ever published.

    Quarks Feel the Pressure in the Proton

    Quarks Feel the Pressure in the Proton

    Inside every proton in every atom in the universe is a pressure cooker environment that surpasses the atom-crushing heart of a neutron star. That's according to the first measurement of a mechanical property of subatomic particles, the pressure distribution inside the proton, which was carried out by scientists at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.

    X-Ray Laser Reveals Ultrafast Dance of Liquid Water

    X-Ray Laser Reveals Ultrafast Dance of Liquid Water

    Researchers have probed the movements of molecules in liquid water that occur in less than 100 millionths of a billionth of a second, or femtoseconds.

    Using a 'Magneto-Gravitational Trap,' IU Physicists Measure Neutrons with Unprecedented Precision

    Using a 'Magneto-Gravitational Trap,' IU Physicists Measure Neutrons with Unprecedented Precision

    Researchers at the IU Center for the Exploration of Energy and Matter have developed a highly accurate way to measure neutron decay rates. It could provide new insight into the state of the universe after the Big Bang.

    Keeping Tabs on Polysulfides in Batteries

    Keeping Tabs on Polysulfides in Batteries

    Optimizing lithium-sulfur battery electrolytes for long life.

    Huge "Thermometer" Takes Temperatures of Tiny Samples

    Huge "Thermometer" Takes Temperatures of Tiny Samples

    New spectroscopic technique measures heat in itty-bitty volumes that could reveal insights for electronics and energy technology.

    Profiling Extreme Beams: Scientists Devise New Diagnostic for Cutting-Edge and Next-Gen Particle Accelerators

    Profiling Extreme Beams: Scientists Devise New Diagnostic for Cutting-Edge and Next-Gen Particle Accelerators

    The world's cutting-edge particle accelerators are pushing the extremes in high-brightness beams and ultrashort pulses to explore matter in new ways. To optimize their performance - and to prepare for next-generation facilities that will push these extremes further - scientists have devised a new tool that can measure how bright these beams are, even for pulses that last only quadrillionths or even quintillionths of a second.

    Water, Water, Everywhere, but How Does It Flow?

    Water, Water, Everywhere, but How Does It Flow?

    Scientists use new X-ray technique to see how water moves at the molecular level.

    Nanodiamonds Are Forever

    Nanodiamonds Are Forever

    Argonne researchers have created a self-generating, very-low-friction dry lubricant that lasts so long it could almost be confused with forever.

    Taking the Stress out of Residual Stress Mapping

    Taking the Stress out of Residual Stress Mapping

    Researchers from the University of Virginia are using neutrons to explore fundamental work in residual stress mapping that promises more precise science down the road for Oak Ridge National Laboratory and similar facilities around the world. The UVA team's research will provide insight into the accuracy of residual stress mapping measurements in such materials when the neutron beam must travel large distances through the sample.

    Tau-Tolly Microtubular!

    Tau-Tolly Microtubular!

    Structural model of physiological tau-microtubule interactions sheds light on neurological diseases that correlate with their disruption

    NASA Spacecraft Finds New Type of Magnetic Explosion

    NASA Spacecraft Finds New Type of Magnetic Explosion

    Four NASA spacecraft have observed magnetic reconnection in a turbulent region of the Earth's outer atmosphere known as the magnetosheath, the planet's first line of defense against the intensity of solar wind. The new insights could help us understand how such phenomena affect Earth's atmosphere.

    APS-CNM Users Meeting Helps Scientists Plan for an Even Brighter Future

    APS-CNM Users Meeting Helps Scientists Plan for an Even Brighter Future

    The Advanced Photon Source and Center for Nanoscale Materials will host the APS-CNM Users Meeting to be held at Argonne from May 7 to 10.

    Revealing the Mysteries of Superconductors: Ames Lab's New Scope Takes a Closer Look

    Revealing the Mysteries of Superconductors: Ames Lab's New Scope Takes a Closer Look

    The U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory has successfully demonstrated that a new type of optical magnetometer, the NV magnetoscope, can map a unique feature of superconductive materials that along with zero resistance defines the superconductivity itself.

    The Weak Side of the Proton

    The Weak Side of the Proton

    A new result from the Q-weak experiment at the Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility provides a precision test of the weak force, one of four fundamental forces in nature. This result, published recently in Nature, also constrains possibilities for new particles and forces beyond our present knowledge.

    SLAC's X-ray Laser Opens New View on Proteins Related to Alzheimer's Disease

    SLAC's X-ray Laser Opens New View on Proteins Related to Alzheimer's Disease

    An international research team has come up with a new method with potential for revealing the structure of individual amyloid fibrils with powerful beams of X-ray laser light.

    Powerful Hurricanes Strengthen Faster Now Than 30 Years Ago

    Powerful Hurricanes Strengthen Faster Now Than 30 Years Ago

    Hurricanes that intensify rapidly - a characteristic of almost all powerful hurricanes - do so more strongly and quickly now than they did 30 years ago, according to a study published recently in Geophysical Research Letters. The phenomenon is due largely to a climate cycle known as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation.