Latest News from: Bates College

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Released: 20-Aug-2024 10:05 AM EDT
“Worrisome” research findings of a common industrial chemical’s harmful effects
Bates College

Story details how research at Bates College examined how TPhP, a known developmental toxicant, impacts zebrafish at much lower levels than previously studied. This research began as an undergraduate thesis project and blossomed into a multi year (and student) project. It is ongoing and further study will be conducted.

4-Mar-2024 1:05 PM EST
At Bates College, STEM-interested Black Students Now 50% More Likely to Earn a STEM degree
Bates College

Typically there is a gap nationally in higher education between the percentages of students who arrive at college expressing a desire to study science, technology, engineering, and math fields and those who stick with them. Statistics show that the fall-off is even higher among Black and Hispanic students. Bates College in Maine set out to change that.
