Clive Prestidge is currently a Professor within Clinical and Health Science, a lead researcher within UniSA's Cancer Research Institute and head of the Nanostructure and Drug Delivery research group.

Clive is the author of over 250 refereed international journal articles, textbook chapters and conference papers and over 100 major project reports to industry. He has supervised more than 35 PhD, 10 MSc and 30 Honours students and has taken a leadership role in a number of major collaborative projects in association with national and international industries, the ARC, and University researchers from Australia and overseas. Prof Prestidge has attracted competitive research grants worth more than $15M from government and industry sources.

Clive was the founder of Ceridia Pty Ltd, a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company established to commercial the the Lipoceramic drug delivery technology he invented.

The Prestidge research group is focused on Drug delivery, Nanomedicine and BioPharmaceutical Engineering. Its Primary Mission is to: (1) Engineer novel particle based biomaterials with specific biological activity and their application to solve biopharmaceutical challenges. (2) Determine mechanisms for bioactivity through advanced biophysical analysis (3) Develop drug delivery solutions to address unmet clinical needs. Some of our Grand Challenges are to: (1) Deliver Challenging Therapeutic Molecules – For Better Medicines (2) Eradicate Bacterial Biofilms (3) Optimise Biotech and Pharmaceutical Processing and Manufacture


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