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The Only Academic Medical Center in NYC to be Recognized

Newswise — (New York, NY) September 5, 2011 – NYU Langone Medical Center is pleased to announce that the Baby Friendly ™ USA Award Ceremony will take place at Alumni Hall B at the medical center on September 7, 2011 at 3:00pm. The welcoming remarks will be delivered by Kimberly S. Glassman PhD, RN, NEA-BC, senior vice president for Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer. Robert I. Grossman, MD, the Saul J. Farber Dean and chief executive officer of NYU Langone Medical Center and Thomas Farley, MD, MPH, New York City Health Commissioner will also address the audience. Theresa Landau, MS, RD, CDN, Board of Directors of Baby Friendly ™ USA will present the award. A reception will follow at the Smilow Café.

NYU Langone Medical Center was designated an official Baby-Friendly™ Hospital at the beginning of the year. It is the only academic medical center in New York City to receive this designation and the second hospital in New York City. The Baby-Friendly™ designation has only been awarded to 105 hospitals and birth centers nationally.

The Baby-Friendly™ Hospital Initiative (BFHI) is a global program sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to encourage and recognize hospitals and birthing centers that offer an optimal level of care for infant feeding. Studies have shown that breastfeeding can reduce infant hospitalizations and pediatric clinic visits.

"Mounting scientific evidence demonstrates the importance of breast feeding for the health and well being of both baby and mother. For a number of reasons, modern society has drifted away from this important practice. The Baby-Friendly™ designation for NYU Langone Medical Center recognizes the commitment made by our nurses and doctors to set things right again. It also represents our commitment to creating the best possible birthing experience," said David Keefe, MD, Stanley H. Kaplan Professor and chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

“Key to this initiative is a staff that's committed to educating, encouraging and supporting the breast-feeding mother and her new baby,” Catherine Manno, MD, Pat and John Rosenwald Professor of Pediatrics; chair of the Department of Pediatrics, added.

Baby-Friendly™ hospitals and birth centers uphold the WHO International code of marketing of breast milk substitutes by offering education and educational materials that promote human milk rather than other infant food or drinks and by refusing to accept or distribute free or subsidized supplies of breast milk substitutes, nipples and other feeding devices.

In addition to focusing on making breastfeeding a viable option for new mothers, baby-friendly care encourages mothers and newborns to be together 24 hours a day. This promotes bonding, improves feeding and weight gain for healthier babies, and allows for better sleep for both mother and child. Studies have shown that skin-to-skin time and rooming-in increase the likelihood of breast-feeding, which has many benefits for both mother and child.

“We are honored to receive this prestigious designation. It is a recognition of the interdisciplinary collaboration that has been ongoing for the past few years to improve our service to our patients and community. Our goal is to help women to make informed decisions regarding feeding options for their newborn and to support them in their choice. NYULMC is the only academic medical center in NYC to have been designated Baby-Friendly™ and I am extremely proud of this achievement,” said Marge W. Lilienthal, senior director of Nursing, Women’s and Children’s Services

“We applaud Tisch Hospital at NYU Langone for becoming a Baby-Friendly™ Hospital,” said Thomas Farley, MD, New York City Health Commissioner. Breastfed babies are healthier than babies fed formula. They are less likely to get various infections as infants and less likely to develop other serious health problems, including asthma and diabetes, later in life. To breastfeed successfully, women benefit from the support from doctors, hospitals and communities. We appreciate the medical center’s support of women and their infants, and we urge other hospitals to join them as Baby-Friendly™ Hospitals.”

The Baby-Friendly™ initiative at NYU Langone Medical Center was supported in part by grants from Shyamli and Robert Milam and the New York City Department of Health and Mental Health. Thanks also to KiDS of NYU for their generous support of this program.

About NYU Langone Medical CenterNYU Langone Medical Center, a world-class patient-centered integrated academic medical center is one of the nation’s premier centers for excellence in health care, biomedical research, and medical education. Located in the heart of Manhattan, NYU Langone is comprised of three hospitals—Tisch Hospital, a 705-bed acute-care tertiary facility, the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, the first non military rehabilitation hospital in the United States, with 174 beds and extensive outpatient rehabilitation programs, and the 190-bed Hospital for Joint Diseases, one of only five hospitals in the world dedicated to orthopaedics and rheumatology—plus the NYU School of Medicine, one of the nation’s preeminent academic institutions. For more information, visit

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