Call for Entries-- APsaA's Award for Excellence in Journalism

Nomination Deadline: September 1. Eligilble articles must have been published between June 30, 2006 and July 1, 2007.

Newswise — The Award for Excellence in Journalism recognizes professional reporting of outstanding merit that contributes in an exceptional way to the public understanding of psychoanalytic and psychological principles and phenomena. The award is broadly conceived. Nominated work need not be specifically about psychoanalysis or psychotherapy per se. And, nominated work may critique or question psychoanalysis as long as it advances understanding of human relationships and/or the life of the mind.

For example, articles which discuss privacy/confidentiality issues in healthcare, provider/patient relationships, new developments in the natural sciences relevant to understanding dreams, psychological aspects of social events or the arts, and other such topics, are eligible for consideration, so long as they demonstrate an understanding of psychological processes in human experience and articulate the importance of this perspective.

The Award provides a $1,000 prize for the best work in print or online media.Eligibility and Submission Requirements are listed online at

The JuryThe Award is juried by a panel of professional journalists and psychoanalysts.Journalist jurors:Tom Stewart, Editor, The Harvard Business ReviewCarol Hymowitz, Columnist and Senior editor, The Wall Street JournalJonathan Piel, former Editor-in-Chief, Scientific American Past recipients:

2006 Jerry Adler, Anne Underwood, and Claudia Kalb, Newseek, for cover story on the 50th Anniversary of Freud's birth which appeared in the March 27, 2006 issue.

2005 Alix Spiegel, The New Yorker, for "The Dictionary of Disorder" which appeared in the January 3, 2005 issue.

2004 Erica Goode, The New York Times, for "And Still Echoes of A Death Long Past", on October 28. 2003.

2003 Marianne Szegedy-Maszak, U.S. News & World Report, for "Sigmund Freud: The Father of Modern Psychoanalysis Transformed Our Understanding of Ourselves and of Each Other" which appeared in a special edition of U.S. News and World Report, entitled "Secrets of Genius: Three Minds That Shaped the Twentieth Century" in the spring/summer 2003. This volume also included essays on Albert Einstein and Karl Marx.

Special Recognition: Joshua Kendall, freelance journalist for the Boston Globe, for the article "Managed care tried to kill off Freud", February 9, 2003.

2002 Margaret Talbot, The New York Times Magazine cover story, "Hysteria, Hysteria", June 2, 2002.

2001 Wynne Godley, London Review, for "Saving Masud Khan" , February 22, and Diana Sugg, The Baltimore Sun, for "Paths Diverge in Struggle to Prevent Youth Suicides", April 29, 2001.

2000 Joan Acocella, The New Yorker, "The Empty Couch: What is Lost When Psychiatry Turns to Drugs", May 8, 2000.

Prior to the establishment of the Award for Excellence in Journalism, Wall Street Journal senior editor Carol Hymowitz was honored in 1999 with the Award for Distinguished Contribution for her coverage of medical privacy issues.

Founded in 1911, APsaA is a professional organization of psychoanalysts throughout the United States. The Association is composed of Affiliate Societies and Training Institutes in many cities and has approximately 3,500 individual members. APsaA is a Regional Association of the International Psychoanalytical Association.