Newswise — As the first 100 days of the new administration signal a new direction for the country, The National Teach-In on Global Warming " an unprecedented series of gatherings at more than 700 campuses across the country is scheduled for February 5, signaling that the young people of this country want action and they want it quickly. These engaging events will simultaneously educate and energize close to 250,000 young adults. A web cast co-produced by National Wildlife Federation will launch the day's events.

"We would be failing as educators if we did not prepare young people with the tools necessary to meet this challenge," said Dr. Eban Goodstein, founder and director of The National Teach-In and professor of economics at Lewis & Clark College in Oregon. "No other generation has had to face a threat as significant as global warming."

The First 100 Days web cast, available for download beginning February 5, will focus on the recommendations for the new administration from The Presidential Climate Action Project. It will feature segments from such environmental luminaries as David Orr, Hunter Lovins, Betsy Taylor, Ray Anderson, Dianne Dillon-Ridgely, Jessy Tolkan, Billy Parish, Wahleah Johns and Larry Schweiger, president of the National Wildlife Federation, as they discuss global warming solutions for the first 100 days.

Following a viewing of the webcast, an estimated 250,000 students, faculty and staff at more than 700 campuses all across the country will engage in localized Teach-Ins focused on concrete policy recommendations for the new administration: cutting carbon 40% below today's levels by 2020; creating millions of green jobs; weatherizing, solarizing and rewiring the nation; revitalizing America's economy; leading the world in renewable technology; and promoting carbon neutral power. There are Teach-In models for K-8 schools up to College level on the National Teach-In website,, including many resources from the Energy Action Coalition, the National Wildlife Federation and many other partner organizations.

"The National Teach-In will remind thousands of students, faculty and community leaders all across the country that confronting global warming is a serious policy priority for the nation and provide a vehicle for planning practical solutions at the campus level and beyond," said Julian Keniry, Senior Director of Campus and Community Leadership for National Wildlife Federation. "These events will challenge young people to help lead the U.S. and world in developing solutions that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, curb greenhouse gas emissions and create an economy built on clean, safe, renewable energy."

The culmination of the Teach-In is a video-dialogue among students and key decision makers: including Congressional leaders, governors, city councilors, mayors and state representatives. Teach-In organizers worked with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office, and the technology company SightSpeed ® to specially equip computers in the capitol building. Using this technology, members of congress will be able to step into a capitol conference room and face questions from a political science or economics class back home. This opportunity for intergenerational dialogue has the power to break through the partisan framing of global warming, and resultant political gridlock.

"As traditional hubs of innovation, colleges and universities have always helped our country move forward," says Kevin Coyle, Vice President of Education for the National Wildlife Federation. "The National Teach-In is providing a nationwide campus forum that brings young innovative minds together to seek solutions and demand change for a cleaner energy future."

For more information on The National Teach-In, please visit

The National Teach-In on Global Warming is a new effort to engage decision makers in direct conversation with young people who will inherit the challenges associated with climate change. Involving thousands of Americans through hundreds of campuses, congregations and civic groups, the NTI is helping put solutions to climate change and energy policy at the top of President Obama's agenda. For more information, please visit

National Wildlife Federation's Campus Ecology Program was established in 1989 to work with college and university campuses (students, faculty, administrators, and managers) to promote sustainability and climate-positive action both on campus and in the surrounding community.

The National Wildlife Federation is the nation's largest member-supported conservation organization inspiring Americans to protect wildlife for our children's future.

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