For Immediate Release
March 27, 2000
For more information, contact Sarah Jarvis
315 228-7452
[email protected]

U.S. Census officials train and swear in Colgate University students to assist with Census 2000

Hamilton, NY--Undergraduate students at Colgate University are reaching out beyond their coursework to ensure Census 2000 receives an accurate population survey of Central New York State. Under the direction of Professor of Geography Ellen Kraly, Ph.D., Colgate students enrolled in her Population Issues and Analysis course (Geography/Sociology & Anthropology 314) have been trained and sworn in by U.S. Census officials to help area residents interpret and fill out their Census forms.

According to a Census official in Utica, New York, the volunteer work by Colgate's Geography students is unique to Central New York State, a seven-county expanse with 6,200 square miles, 144 cities and towns, nearly 15 colleges, four national halls of fame, and one American Indian Reservation.

"The Census is a demographer's dream," said Professor Kraly. "To have these 34 students actively involved in a demographic analysis is both exciting and rewarding. The volunteer work will allow each student to apply and share his or her knowledge from the course, and provide an invaluable community service that will continue to benefit thousands of area residents for years to come." she said.

As official volunteers, Colgate students have set up Questionnaire Assistance Centers (QACs) in the Hamilton, New York area for three weeks beginning March 20. During weekday evenings and for several hours on Saturdays, the students will be to answer any questions a resident might have regarding the Census 2000. The official volunteers will be available at the Hamilton Public Library Monday and Wednesday nights from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will also be available at the Student Union on campus in the first floor conference room on and Tuesday and Thursday nights from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Founded in 1819, Colgate University is a nationally ranked, highly selective, residential, liberal arts collegeenrolling nearly 2,750 undergraduates. Situated on a rolling 515-acre campus in central New York State, Colgate University attracts motivated students with diverse backgrounds, interests and talents from all over the United States.

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