Newswise — Two University of New Hampshire faculty members are available to discuss strategies on how to keep high school students from dropping out of school.

Barbara Krysiak, professor of education administration and school leadership, founder of the successful dropout prevention program, Project Mentor, which recently was expanded across the state of New Hampshire with the support of Gov. John Lynch, USNH Chancellor Stephen Reno and the USNH Board of Trustees. The program trains mentors who work with middle-schoolers to encourage them to stay in school and prepare for and enroll in college. For more information on the program, visit

The former superintendent of the Claremont School District when the landmark New Hampshire educational funding lawsuit was filed, Krysiak is an expert in education reform, including curriculum reform and equitable school funding. She also has 37 years of experience in K-12 schools as a teacher, department head, principal, associate superintendent, and superintendent.

JoAnne Malloy, clinical associate professor in UNH's School of Health and Human Services and project co-director for the Achievement in Prevention in Excellence (APEX) project of UNH's Institute on Disability, is examining the effectiveness of schoolwide positive supports as a dropout prevention strategy in 11 New Hampshire schools. Working previously with Franklin High School and Manchester's Central High School, APEX significantly reduced the dropout rate by implementing an organized positive behavioral discipline program and a school-to-career focus for at-risk youth.

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