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Released: 12-Aug-2014 10:15 AM EDT
Here, Career Prep Is Free, and Part of Every Student's Experience
Mount Holyoke College

Mount Holyoke College's The Lynk is a comprehensive program that connects liberal arts courses with students’ career goals. The program isn’t just an add-on for seniors, but offers an integrated series of trainings and opportunities to build skills throughout a student’s four years.

Released: 28-Feb-2014 9:40 AM EST
Courses at Mount Holyoke College Can Make this Summer Count
Mount Holyoke College

Mount Holyoke College’s Professional and Graduate Education program offers dozens of summer course options to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to anyone seeking professional skills or personal enrichment. Courses are offered in two terms, May 27–July 2 and July 8–August 13.

Released: 26-Feb-2014 4:00 PM EST
Mount Holyoke College Establishes The Lynk, Funds Internships
Mount Holyoke College

President Lynn Pasquerella has announced Mount Holyoke College will now fund an approved internship for every student through its new initiative, The Lynk.

Released: 4-Feb-2014 1:00 PM EST
Forgotten Entrepreneur Esther Howland Was “the Mother of the American Valentine”
Mount Holyoke College

Mount Holyoke alumna Esther Howland (1847) created the first American Valentine's Day card, launching what is today a multi-billion-dollar industry.

Released: 10-Jan-2014 2:20 PM EST
Mount Holyoke's Darby Dyar Heads for Outer Space—Virtually
Mount Holyoke College

Professor Darby Dyar is one of the scientists who will help NASA explore the potential to colonize the Moon and Mars.

Released: 21-Nov-2013 3:00 PM EST
Christine Hutchins Appointed VP of Communications
Mount Holyoke College

Christine Hutchins, most recently of Stanford University, will become Mount Holyoke’s new vice president for marketing and communications.

Released: 11-Jun-2013 6:40 PM EDT
Mercury 13 Author Can Speak on 50th Anniversary of Women in Space
Mount Holyoke College

Fifty years ago this month, Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman in space. It took the U.S. until June 18, 1983 to send a woman into space, despite training 13 women in the early 1960s.

Released: 28-May-2013 11:00 AM EDT
Mount Holyoke Celebrates 176th Commencement
Mount Holyoke College

A jam-packed crowd cheered more than 600 graduates as they received their diplomas Sunday, May 19 in Mount Holyoke College's 176th annual commencement in the Richard Glenn Gettell Amphitheater.

Released: 6-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
The Ants Go Marching … to the Rescue
Mount Holyoke College

Rescue behavior has been observed in primates, dolphins, and rats. Is this behavior, as some scientists suggest, evidence that animals feel empathy towards their kin? Enter the ants. Mount Holyoke’s Karen Hollis and her team observed ants undertake extreme risks to rescue nestmates. Are ants acting out of empathy or does rescue behavior emerge from simple biological mechanisms?

Released: 1-May-2013 5:00 PM EDT
Mount Holyoke Extension Program Offers Summer Courses
Mount Holyoke College

The Mount Holyoke Extension Program will offer an array of for-credit courses this summer, ranging from a field study in South Africa to organic chemistry.

Released: 2-Apr-2013 1:00 PM EDT
Mount Holyoke's Shaw Awarded 2013 Poets’ Prize
Mount Holyoke College

Robert Shaw, Emily Dickinson Professor of English at Mount Holyoke College, has been awarded the 2013 Poets’ Prize for his book Aromatics.

Released: 15-Mar-2013 3:15 PM EDT
Mount Holyoke Appoints Sonya Stephens as VP, Dean of Faculty
Mount Holyoke College

Sonya Stephens, vice provost for undergraduate education at Indiana University, Bloomington, will become Mount Holyoke College’s new vice president and dean of faculty in July.
