Latest News from: American Thoracic Society (ATS)

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Released: 17-Jun-1997 12:00 AM EDT
June Tips from American Thoracic Society Journal
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

ATS Journal News Tips--June: 1) Lack of Health Insurance Shortens Lives of Cystic Fribrosis Patients 2) New Compound May Effective For Treating Asthma 3) Study Raises Implications For Gene Therapy For Cystic Fribrosis

Released: 28-May-1997 12:00 AM EDT
ATS News Tips/May
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The May issues of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) journals include: an ATS assessment of new TB diagnostic tests which are called a "significant advance;" a study finding that critically ill patients with cardiovascular disease should unergo red cell transfusions; and an expert perspective raising the hypothesis that nitric oxide may inhibit gene therapy.

Released: 21-May-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Guidelines Reduce Asthma-Related Illness
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Three months after the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released updated asthma treatment guidelines, new research presented here at the American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference indicates that many asthma patients are not following treatment recommendations from an earlier 1991 report. But one new study shows that when patients with asthma follow the recommended guidelines, their asthma improves and hospital visits dramatically decrease.

Released: 21-May-1997 12:00 AM EDT
New Evidence of Air Pollution's Damaging Effects
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

New studies presented here at the American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference add to the evidence that air pollution is harmful and even deadly.

Released: 21-May-1997 12:00 AM EDT
Tobacco Companies Turn Attention to Global Market
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Faced with declining tobacco use and new regulations in the United States, tobacco companies increasingly are focusing their attention on the global marketplace, according to experts speaking here at the American Lung Association/American Thoracic Society International Conference.

Released: 4-Apr-1997 12:00 AM EST
ATS News Tips from April Journals
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The following stories appear in the American Thoracic Society (ATS) April Journals: 1- Some adults "outgrow" asthma; 2- A leukotriene antagonist effectively controls moderate-to-severe asthma; 3- Female asthma patients on oral contraceptives have less exacerbated asthma during the menstrual cycle. Embargoed: April 17, 1997, 6:00 p.m.

Released: 18-Mar-1997 12:00 AM EST
ATS News Tips from March Journals
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The following stories appear in the American Thoracic Society (ATS) March journals: 1- pulmonary problems greater in low income individuals; 2- moderate levels of air pollution can cause respiratory problems in children; 3- how cigarette smoke inhalation stimulates bone marrow. EMBARGOED: Mar. 20, 1997, 6:00 p.m.

Released: 20-Feb-1997 12:00 AM EST
February Tips from American Thoracic Society Journals
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

February Tips from American Thoracic Society Journals: 1) Summertime Haze Worsens Asthma Attacks; 2) Prison Population At High Risk For Tuberculosis

Released: 8-Jan-1997 12:00 AM EST
January Tip Sheet from American Thoracic Society
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The following stories appear in the January issue of the American Thoracic Society's (ATS) American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 1 - Withdrawing life support from terminally ill patients reportedly more routinely accepted by physicians and patient families. 2 - Sleep disordered breathing found to be twice as prevalent among African Americans than Caucasians. Embargoed For Release: January 16, 1997 6:00 p.m.
