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Released: 30-Sep-2019 7:00 AM EDT
Women with Asthma Appear More Likely to Have Lower Levels of Testosterone
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Women with asthma appear more likely to have lower levels of “free” (not attached to proteins) testosterone than women who do not have asthma, according to new research published online in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 25-Sep-2019 7:00 AM EDT
World Lung Day 2019: Respiratory Groups Unite to Call for Healthy Lungs for All
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Today, on World Lung Day (WLD), the American Thoracic Society is united with members of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS) and WLD partner organizations to advocate for respiratory health globally and call on policymakers to ensure that everyone has access to the services they need to improve their lung health.

10-Sep-2019 4:00 PM EDT
More Severe OSA Leads to Higher Blood Pressure in Patients with Resistant Hypertension
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

In patients with high blood pressure resistant to treatment who also have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), the more severe their OSA, the higher their blood pressure, according to new research published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 11-Sep-2019 4:05 PM EDT
ATS Responds to FDA’s Promise of Future Action on Flavored E-Cigarettes
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The ATS congratulates the FDA important, but belated action, to remove flavored e-cigarette products from the U.S. market. Since e-cigarette products first emerged in the U.S., the American Thoracic Society has consistently called on FDA to aggressively regulate e-cigarettes and has repeatedly urged the FDA to ban flavored e-cigarette from the U.S. market.

Released: 5-Sep-2019 11:05 AM EDT
ATS Applauds Governor Whitmer’s Action on Flavored E-cigs and Urges FDA to Take Immediate Action
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society applauds Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s decision to ban the sale of all flavored e-cigarette and vaping products in the state of Michigan.

Released: 30-Aug-2019 11:05 AM EDT
New ATS Clinical Practice Guideline: Diagnosing Fungal Infections
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society has published an official clinical guideline on laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections in pulmonary and critical care medicine in the Society’s Aug. 30 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 15-Aug-2019 3:30 PM EDT
Graphic Cigarette Warnings Focus of FDA Proposed Rule Released Today
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Today the FDA issued its proposal for graphic warnings on cigarettes, a long overdue step says the American Thoracic Society in curbing the adverse health effects associated with smoking. Comments on the proposed rule are due by October 15, 2019. The FDA is required to issue a final rule by March 15, 2020.

6-Aug-2019 4:00 PM EDT
Oral Appliances May Be Highly Effective in Treating a Type of Sleep Apnea
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Certain traits may define a type of obstructive sleep apnea that can be effectively treated with an oral appliance, according to new research published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 1-Aug-2019 3:00 PM EDT
ATS Publishes Clinical Guideline on Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society has published an official clinical guideline on the evaluation and management of obesity hypoventilation syndrome in the Society’s Aug. 1 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

16-Jul-2019 4:00 PM EDT
Ivacaftor May Reduce Common Infections in Patients with CF
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Patients with cystic fibrosis who take ivacaftor appear to have fewer respiratory infections over time than those not taking the drug, according to new research published online in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

Released: 15-Jul-2019 11:05 AM EDT
ATS Celebrates Court-Established Deadlines for E-cigarettes and Cigars Regulation
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

Last Friday afternoon, July 12, 2019, a federal court decision established deadlines for e-cigarette manufacturers and makers of candy-flavored cigars to submit their products for FDA review. The Court took this action after medical and public health groups sued the Food and Drug Administration for the agency’s failure to appropriately regulate e-cigarettes and cigars in a timely and effective manner.

Released: 15-Jul-2019 8:00 AM EDT
COPD/Sleep Apnea Overlap Syndrome Researcher Awarded $100,000 Grant from ResMed, ATS Foundation
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

David Geoffrey Chapman, BSc, PhD, of University of Technology in Sydney, Australia, has been awarded the new ATS Foundation/ResMed Research Fellowship in Sleep-disordered Breathing and PAP Therapy.

4-Jun-2019 4:00 PM EDT
The Nicotine in E-cigarettes Appears to Impair Mucus Clearance
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

E-cigarette vaping with nicotine appears to hamper mucus clearance from the airways, according to new research published online in the American Thoracic Society’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

Released: 5-Jun-2019 4:20 PM EDT
ATS Concerned by Trump Administration Action to Halt NIH Fetal Tissue Intramural Research
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

The American Thoracic Society is concerned by today’s announcement of the Trump Administration’s restrictions on federal support for fetal tissue research.

Released: 31-May-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Occupational Hazards Account for More than One in Ten People with Range of Lung Diseases
American Thoracic Society (ATS)

More than 1 in 10 people with a range of non-cancerous lung diseases may be sick as a result of inhaling vapors, gas, dust or fumes at work, according to a joint American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society statement published in the ATS’s American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
