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Released: 17-Aug-2006 4:35 PM EDT
New Guidelines for Keeping Formula Safe and Secure at Airports
International Formula Council

The International Formula Council supports new airport security procedures but cautions that security officers must comply with warnings not to require opening or testing of baby formula. IFC has issued guidelines for traveling parents and caregivers about how to keep infant formula safe.

Released: 19-Jul-2006 5:25 PM EDT
FDA Has Sweet News for Consumers of Sugar Substitutes
Calorie Control Council

Sugar substitutes receive a strong endorsement this month from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The FDA has issued a fact sheet on sugar substitutes, and published it in the July/August issue of FDA Consumer magazine, carrying the headline, "No Calories"¦ Sweet!"

Released: 5-May-2006 2:00 PM EDT
European Food Safety Authority Re-Confirms Safety of Aspartame
Calorie Control Council

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) announced today there is no reason to recommend any dietary change in regard to the low-calorie sweetener, aspartame. The report specifically states, "In its opinion published today, the Panel concluded, on the basis of all the evidence currently available, that there is no need to further review the safety of aspartame nor to revise the previously established Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for aspartame (40 mg/kg body weight)."

Released: 4-Apr-2006 5:00 AM EDT
Epidemiology Study Shows No Risk Between Aspartame and Cancer
Calorie Control Council

A new epidemiology study from the National Cancer Institute confirms previous study conclusions that there is no link between aspartame consumption and leukemias, lymphomas and brain tumors.

Released: 2-Feb-2006 9:00 AM EST
Super Bowl Sunday Is Super Bowl of Snacking
Calorie Control Council

Super Bowl Sunday is the "Super Bowl" of snacking. Research by the Calorie Control Council and the Snack Food Association finds that Americans will eat 30 million pounds of snacks and enough fat to equal the weight of 13,000 NFL offensive linemen, on the big game day.

Released: 23-Dec-2005 2:20 PM EST
Holidays Can Mean Punch and Paunch
Calorie Control Council

Holiday festivities can pack on the pounds. The typical American adult gains three pounds during the holiday season, making January the biggest dieting month of the year, according to the Calorie Control Council. The Council has encouraging news though "“ many consumers are keeping their spirits bright by eating light.

Released: 17-Nov-2005 4:30 PM EST
Overwhelming Scientific Evidence Confirms Safety of Aspartame
Calorie Control Council

The Calorie Control Council today stated that a rat study conducted by Italy's Ramazzini Institute is totally contradictory with the extensive scientific research and regulatory reviews conducted on aspartame.
