Latest News from: University of Colorado Cancer Center

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Released: 26-Mar-2020 11:55 AM EDT
Experimental medication to prevent heart disease may treat chemo-resistant ovarian cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center group shows CPT1A may be necessary for ovarian cancer spread, chemo-resistance. Moves toward clinical trial of CPT1A inhibitor, etomoxir, against chemo-resistant ovarian cancer.

Released: 25-Mar-2020 4:50 PM EDT
Study: Despite failures, chemo still promising against dangerous childhood brain cancer, DIPG
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Chemotherapy has been so unsuccessful against DIPG that researchers have questioned whether chemotherapy drugs are even able to reach the cancer. University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows, "... medicine does reach DIPG tissue in good quantities that have the potential to be effective against the tumor," says lead researcher.

Released: 19-Mar-2020 4:35 PM EDT
Leading chloroquine scientists weigh in on drug as possible COVID-19 treatment
University of Colorado Cancer Center

“Two independent sources with the same scientific finding make you think it’s true,” says Jean Mulcahy-Levy, MD, investigator at CU Cancer Center and associate professor in the CU School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics.

Released: 19-Mar-2020 12:05 PM EDT
COVID-19 recommendations for patients receiving anti-cancer immunotherapies
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Could medicines that activate the immune system protect against COVID-19 infection?

Released: 12-Mar-2020 12:55 PM EDT
Post-diagnosis disparities drive poorer outcomes for pediatric Black and Hispanic brain cancer patients
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Of 1,881 patients under age 19 diagnosed with cancers of the brain and central nervous system between 2000 and 2015, 52 percent of White patients lived five years from diagnosis, whereas only 44 percent of African American patients and 45 percent of Hispanic patients reached a similar milestone.

Released: 30-Jan-2020 10:55 AM EST
Less chemotherapy may have more benefit in rectal cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study presented at the 2020 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium shows patients with locally advanced rectal cancer receiving lower-than-recommended doses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in fact saw their tumors shrink more than patients receiving the full dose.

Released: 16-Jan-2020 2:00 PM EST
Cancer study may accidentally help researchers create usable blood stem cells
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows healthy form of the leukemia-causing gene MLL may push pluripotent stem cells (which have proven difficult to use in human patients) to become durable hematopoietic stem cells (which are usable in patients, but have until now been impossible to make).

Released: 9-Jan-2020 8:05 AM EST
University of Colorado Cancer Center named National Pancreas Foundation Center of Excellence
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Due in part to advanced surgical techniques, more effective medicines, and a multidisciplinary approach to treating the disease, University of Colorado Cancer Center is able to operate on 30+ percent of pancreatic cancer patients, nearly double the national average.

Released: 8-Jan-2020 12:15 PM EST
Plant-derived SVC112 hits cancer stem cells, leaves healthy cells alone
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Study shows Colorado drug SVC112 stops production of proteins that cancer stem cells need to survive and grow

28-Mar-2019 11:05 AM EDT
Tarloxotinib “very promising” against NRG1-fusion cancers
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2019 shows that the clinical-stage drug, tarloxotinib, is active against NRG1-fusion cancers, in addition to the HER2/EGFR cancers for which the drug was originally designed.

Released: 12-Mar-2019 12:05 PM EDT
Treatment guidelines for breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Article recently published in Aesthetic Surgery Journal formalizes the treatment strategy for this diagnosis, offering clear guidelines for plastic and oncologic surgeons.

Released: 7-Mar-2019 2:05 PM EST
The sneaky way estrogen drives brain metastasis in non-estrogen-dependent breast cancers
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study published in the journal Oncogene shows that while estrogen doesn’t directly affect triple-negative breast cancer cells, it can affect surrounding brain cells in ways that promote cancer cell migration and invasiveness.

Released: 1-Feb-2019 12:05 PM EST
Leaders meet in Colorado to set research agenda for early-onset colorectal cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

While overall rates of colorectal cancer are down, the rate of young people getting the disease is up 22 percent over two decades. International leaders meet in Colorado to set the research agenda to figure out why.

Released: 16-Jan-2019 1:05 PM EST
Breast cancer up to 5 times more likely to metastasize even 10 years after childbirth
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows that doctors may be underestimating the risk of and thus under-treating stage I and II breast cancers diagnosed within 10 years of childbirth.

Released: 12-Nov-2018 11:05 AM EST
Cancer stem cells get energy from protein, and it’s proving to be their Achilles’ heel
University of Colorado Cancer Center

CU Cancer Center study shows that cancer stem cells switch from metabolizing sugar to metabolizing protein. Turning off protein metabolism kills these cells.

Released: 23-Oct-2018 12:05 PM EDT
New combination treatment flips the switch on melanoma cells
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Navitoclax plus A-1210477 not only killed melanoma cells, but also killed the melanoma initiating cells (aka cancer stem cells) that often resist therapy.

Released: 12-Oct-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Cancer Stem Cells Use “Normal” Genes in Abnormal Ways
University of Colorado Cancer Center

University of Colorado Cancer Center study shows that "normal" gene CDK1 interacts with "abnormal" gene Sox2 to keep cancer stem cells "stemmy."

Released: 28-Sep-2018 11:05 AM EDT
Cancer Hijacks the Microbiome to Glut Itself on Glucose
University of Colorado Cancer Center

A University of Colorado Cancer Center study published today in the journal Cancer Cell shows that leukemia undercuts the ability of normal cells to consume glucose, thus leaving more glucose available to feed its own growth.

Released: 25-Sep-2018 8:05 AM EDT
Brigatinib becomes potential new first-line option for ALK-positive non-small lung cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Results of ALTA-1 trial: Patients given brigatinib saw a statistically significant 51 percent reduction in the risk of progression or death compared with those given crizotinib.

24-Sep-2018 8:45 AM EDT
Promising Phase 1/2 Results for Entrectinib Against ROS1+ Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
University of Colorado Cancer Center

Results of phase 1 and phase 2 clinical trials of the drug entrectinib in ROS1-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) presented on the press program of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) 19th World Conference on Lung Cancer show a response rate of 77.4 percent for 53 patients evaluable for response, with median duration of response of 24.6 months.
