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Released: 6-Oct-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Pediatric Study Finds Alternatives for Radiation of Low-Grade Brain Tumors
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A multi-institutional study led by researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has found that using chemotherapy alone and delaying or avoiding cranial radiation altogether can be effective in treating pediatric patients with unresectable or progressive low-grade glioma. The study was presented Sunday at the 40th annual International Society of Pediatric Oncology Meeting in Berlin, Germany.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 7:20 PM EDT
NCI Renews M. D. Anderson Core Grant; Peers Bestow Outstanding Rating
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has renewed The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center's Cancer Center Support Grant, an essential step in extending the institution's elite status as a comprehensive cancer center.

Released: 30-Sep-2008 10:45 AM EDT
M. D. Anderson Awarded Nearly $19 Million by Susan G. Komen for the Cure
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has received nearly $19 million in grants from Susan G. Komen for the Cure as part of that organization's new initiative to fast-track promising research to benefit breast cancer patients.

29-Sep-2008 2:05 PM EDT
Hepatitis B Exposure May Increase Risk For Pancreatic Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

In a first-of-its-kind finding, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have discovered that exposure to the hepatitis B virus (HBV) may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer.

24-Sep-2008 12:15 PM EDT
Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Who Receive Neoadjuvant Therapy Followed by Mastectomy May Not Need Radiation
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Women with three or fewer involved lymph nodes appear to have low relapse rate after undergoing pre-operative chemotherapy.

23-Sep-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Bladder Cancer Detected Via Amplified Gene in Cells Found in Urine
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Counting the copies of a specific gene in cells gathered from a urine sample may provide a simple, noninvasive way to detect bladder cancer, a team led by researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reports in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Released: 22-Sep-2008 2:45 PM EDT
Whole Brain Radiation Increases Risk of Learning and Memory Problems in Cancer Patients with Brain Metastases
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Cancer patients who receive stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) and whole brain radiation therapy (WBRT) for the treatment of metastatic brain tumors have more than twice the risk of developing learning and memory problems than those treated with SRS alone, according to new research from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Released: 8-Sep-2008 1:05 PM EDT
Protein "Switch" Suppresses Skin Cancer Development
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The protein IKKalpha (IKKα) regulates the cell cycle of keratinocytes and plays a key role in keeping these specialized skin cells from becoming malignant, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report in the Sept. 9 issue of Cancer Cell.

Released: 5-Sep-2008 12:00 PM EDT
Creating Lung Cancer Risk Models For Specific Populations Refines Prediction
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Lung cancer risk prediction models are enhanced by taking into account risk factors by race and by measuring DNA repair capacity, according to research teams led by epidemiologists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in two complementary papers appearing in the September issue of Cancer Prevention Research.

3-Sep-2008 2:00 PM EDT
Racial Disparities Exist in Radiation Therapy Rates For Early Stage Breast Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Black women are less likely than white women to receive radiation therapy after a lumpectomy, the standard of care for early stage breast cancer, according to a new study by researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

3-Sep-2008 2:10 PM EDT
Change in HER2 Status After Treatment With Herceptin
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have discovered that when treated with Herceptin prior to surgery, 50 percent of HER2 positive, breast cancer patients showed no signs of disease at the time of surgery. However, of those women who had residual disease, about one-third had tumors that converted from HER2 positive to HER 2 negative status "”possibly indicating a resistance to the targeted therapy.

Released: 3-Sep-2008 10:30 AM EDT
Poll Finds Women Who Are Close to Someone With Breast Cancer Have Greater Sense of Risk
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Women whose lives have been touched by the breast cancer experience of a friend or relative are more acutely attuned to their own risk for the disease and are taking action to protect themselves, according to a new national opinion poll by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and Prevention magazine.

12-Aug-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Risk Assessment Plays Key Role in Long-Term Treatment of Breast Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Breast cancer patients and their physicians may make more informed, long-term treatment decisions using risk assessment strategies to help determine probability of recurrence, a research team led by scientists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported in the Aug. 12 online issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

28-Jul-2008 4:55 PM EDT
Turned-off Cannabinoid Receptor Turns on Colorectal Tumor Growth
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

New preclinical research shows that cannabinoid cell surface receptor CB1 plays a tumor-suppressing role in human colorectal cancer, scientists report in the Aug. 1 edition of the journal Cancer Research.

21-Jul-2008 3:20 PM EDT
Once Suspect Protein Found to Promote DNA Repair, Prevent Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

An abundant chromosomal protein that binds to damaged DNA prevents cancer development by enhancing DNA repair, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

14-Jul-2008 11:35 AM EDT
TG2 Identified as Potential Target in Chemo-Resistant Ovarian Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Scientists from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have found overexpression of tissue type transglutaminase (TG2) in ovarian cancer is associated with increased tumor cell growth and adhesion, resistance to chemotherapy and lower overall survival rates. When researchers targeted and silenced TG2 in animal models, cancer progression was reversed, suggesting the protein may also provide a novel therapeutic approach for late-stage ovarian cancer.

Released: 14-Jul-2008 11:45 AM EDT
M. D. Anderson Announces Collaboration with the Chinese University of Hong Kong
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center today signed a sister institution agreement with the Sir Y.K. Pao Centre for Cancer and Hong Kong Cancer Institute at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), formalizing existing collaborations between the two cancer centers based on their shared missions of scientific discovery, patient therapies, education and prevention.

Released: 11-Jul-2008 10:10 AM EDT
M. D. Anderson Earns Top Ranking for Cancer Hospitals
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center once again is the top hospital in the nation for cancer care, according to the U.S. News & World Report annual "America's Best Hospitals" survey.

27-Jun-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Blood Vessel Inhibitor Shows Promise Against Metastatic Thyroid Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Thyroid cancer that has spread to distant sites has a poor prognosis, but an experimental drug that inhibits tumor blood vessel formation can slow disease progression in some patients, a research team led by investigators from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reports in the July 3rd edition of The New England Journal of Medicine.

Released: 25-Jun-2008 12:55 PM EDT
Major Grant Advances Personalized Therapy for Brain Tumors
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center will advance two new therapeutic approaches for malignant brain tumors and develop biomarkers to guide treatment decisions under a major translational research grant from the National Cancer Institute.

Released: 23-Jun-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Radiation Center in Bellaire Adds New Option; Partial-Breast Irradiation Now Available for Some Lumpectomy Patients
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center's Radiation Treatment Center in Bellaire has added partial-breast irradiation, a new approach to treating some breast cancer patients who are undergoing lumpectomies, to its complement of radiation therapy services.

Released: 11-Jun-2008 2:50 PM EDT
Reconnecting with Cancer Survivors: Suggestions on Adjusting to Life After Treatment
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

More people in the U.S. are living longer after a cancer diagnosis. For this increasing number of cancer survivors, living a better quality of life is just as important as living through the disease. Improving communication and acknowledging stress can enhance the quality of life of cancer survivors and those who support them.

Released: 2-Jun-2008 1:50 PM EDT
Metformin Increases Pathologic Complete Response Rates in Breast Cancer Patients With Diabetes
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Metformin, the common first-line drug for type 2 diabetes, may be effective in increasing pathologic complete response rates in diabetic women with early stage breast cancer who took the drug during chemotherapy prior to having surgery, paving the way for further research of the drug as a potential cancer therapy, according to researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Released: 28-May-2008 10:20 AM EDT
Gene Therapy Increases Survival for End-Stage Head and Neck Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A gene therapy invented at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center is the first to succeed in a U.S. phase III clinical trial for cancer, as announced today at the American Society of Gene Therapy annual meeting in Boston.

Released: 22-May-2008 10:45 AM EDT
Stabilizing Cancer-Fighting p53 Can Also Shield a Metastasis-Promoter
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Efforts to protect the tumor-suppressor p53 could just as easily shelter a mutant version of the protein, causing cancer cells to thrive and spread rather than die, according to research by scientists at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center reported in the current issue of the journal Genes and Development.

14-May-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Nurse Addresses Lymphedema in Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A poster session presented today by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center at the Oncology Nurses Society 33rd Annual Congress, found that early nursing intervention and implementation of effective strategies can lead to a decrease in the incidence of lymphedema, better management of chronic lymphedema and improved quality of life in breast cancer patients.

14-May-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Researchers Expand Natural Killer Cells In Cord Blood To Fight Leukemia
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have found a therapy that effectively kills human leukemia cells in mice using natural killer (NK) cells from umbilical cord blood.

15-May-2008 4:00 PM EDT
New Drug Combination Brings One-Two Punch Against Acute Leukemia
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have discovered a drug combination that kills leukemia cells by shutting down their energy source and hastening cell starvation.

Released: 16-May-2008 10:00 AM EDT
Iressa Shows Promise For Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer When Combined With Hormonal Therapy
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Gefitinib, the once-promising drug formerly approved as a second line treatment for lung cancer, also known as Iressa, enhanced the effectiveness of hormonal therapy for the treatment of specific types of metastatic breast cancer, according to a Phase II clinical trial led by researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

15-May-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Celebrex Shows Benefit in First-of-Its-Kind Lung Cancer Chemoprevention Trial
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Celecoxib, the anti-inflammatory medication also known by the trade name Celebrex, has proven to be safe and reduces a specific proliferation measurement of precancerous lesions in the lung, according to a study from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. This finding demonstrates the significance of COX-2 inhibition toward preventing lung cancer in individuals at higher risk of developing the disease.

14-May-2008 4:00 PM EDT
Study Takes a Step Toward Better Defining Fatigue
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

In an effort to better define and ultimately address fatigue more effectively, a qualitative study from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has identified three primary themes - loss of strength or energy, major effects of fatigue and associated sensations - among patients being treated with standard radiation therapy.

Released: 15-May-2008 3:00 PM EDT
Dan L. Duncan Family Foundation Gives M. D. Anderson its Largest Gift Aimed Solely at Preventing Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The Dan L. Duncan Family Foundation has given The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center $35 million-the institution's largest gift to the cancer prevention program and its second-largest gift in its 67-year history. The funds will be used to establish the Dan Duncan Family Institute for Cancer Prevention and Risk Assessment.

14-May-2008 2:55 PM EDT
Nurses Find Empowerment in PACTs
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

According to nurse-researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, participation among nurses in the institution's unique Professional Action Coordinating Teams (PACTs) has increased 50 percent in one year.

13-May-2008 4:40 PM EDT
Drug Therapy to Bolster Immune System Cells Found Effective Toward Childhood Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Researchers from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have found a possible approach to therapy that may make cancer cells more sensitive to attack by immune system cells while making the immune system cells more powerful.

30-Apr-2008 11:00 AM EDT
Combined Physical and Genetic Map Finds Cancer's 'Ignition Key'
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

M. D. Anderson-led team's whole-organ genomic survey depicts journey from normal to malignant cell.

2-May-2008 10:25 AM EDT
Unexpected Role: EGFR Protects Cancer Cells from Starving
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A growth factor receptor found abundantly on the surface of cancer cells and long known to fuel cancer growth also protects tumor cells from starvation by a newly identified mechanism, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report in the May 5 issue of Cancer Cell.

Released: 1-May-2008 1:30 PM EDT
Plan it Safe, Protect Your Skin for Days in the Sun: M. D. Anderson Observes Skin Cancer Awareness Month in May
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Before leaving home for a day of outdoor activity, take appropriate precautions to ensure that your and your family's skin is well-protected. According to Susan Chon, M.D., assistant professor of dermatology at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, the majority of all skin cancers are caused by the sun.

Released: 1-May-2008 8:00 AM EDT
M. D. Anderson Honors Businessman, Philanthropist
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

F. O'Neil "Neil" Griffin Conference and Education Center Dedicated on South Campus

Released: 25-Apr-2008 2:45 PM EDT
M. D. Anderson Announces Collaboration with the German Cancer Research Center
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center today signed a sister institution agreement with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany's premier cancer center which is renowned particularly for excellence in basic cancer research. The mission-driven agreement formalizes long-standing academic relationships among faculty at both institutions.

21-Apr-2008 3:05 PM EDT
Cisplatin Less Effective Than Standard Treatment for Patients With Anal Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

When administered before chemoradiation, the common anti-cancer drug cisplatin neither improved disease-free survival nor reduced the number of colostomies needed when compared to the standard treatment for patients with anal canal cancer, according to a study published in the April 23 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

21-Apr-2008 3:30 PM EDT
Mammography May Be Beneficial To All Women, Regardless of Age
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

According to researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, mammography, the gold-standard for breast cancer screening and early detection, has shown to significantly reduce the risk of being diagnosed with advanced stage breast cancer in women over the age of 80, an age group currently without clear guidelines for regular screenings.

10-Apr-2008 12:50 PM EDT
Interleukin-12 Indicates Survival Prospects for Melanoma Patients
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

M. D. Anderson findings point to immune dysfunction as cause, explain age as risk factor.

Released: 14-Apr-2008 10:10 AM EDT
Calorie Restriction Inhibits, Obesity Fuels Development of Epithelial Cancers
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

M.D. Anderson-led team connects dietary balance to common cancer pathways.

11-Apr-2008 1:20 PM EDT
Calorie Restricted Diet Prevents Pancreatic Inflammation and Cancer
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Prevention of weight gain with a restricted calorie diet sharply reduced the development of pancreatic lesions that lead to cancer in preclinical research reported today by researchers from The University of Texas at Austin and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center at the American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting.

11-Apr-2008 2:30 PM EDT
Mouth May Tell the Tale of Lung Damage Caused by Smoking
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Cells lining the mouth reflect the molecular damage that smoking does to the lining of the lungs, researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center report today at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Released: 11-Apr-2008 9:20 AM EDT
Outsmart the Summer Sun at Any Age
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Simple Tips to Keep Skin Safe This Summer from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Released: 9-Apr-2008 2:40 PM EDT
M. D. Anderson Observes National Minority Cancer Awareness Week
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

National Minority Cancer Awareness Week is April 20-26, and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center is encouraging people to learn about the growing disparity in cancer incidence and death rates that affect minority populations.

Released: 3-Apr-2008 5:05 PM EDT
Surviving Cancer, Living With Pain? A New Dawn for Cancer Research
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

A collaboration between a non-profit cancer center and a for-profit drug company allow for research to better understand and treat side effects of cancer treatment, such as pain and neuropathy.

Released: 3-Apr-2008 5:00 PM EDT
Hope Is on the Horizon: Patients with Hodgkin's Have More Choices than Ever
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

This story describes a variety of new clinical trials at M. D. Anderson for patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma, giving them a wider choice of battling their disease.

Released: 3-Apr-2008 4:55 PM EDT
Genetic Reprogramming
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

To radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and biological therapies deployed to wage war on cancer, M. D. Anderson researchers have added a new approach "” diplomacy. A look at epigenetics.
