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Released: 19-Nov-2008 11:00 AM EST
National Hispanic Literacy Program Expands
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Center for Family Literacy is expanding a nationwide program that is the first of its kind to focus on Hispanic and other immigrant families. It reaches 25 cities at a crucial time when the largest and fastest growing minority is also the only one with declining literacy rates.

Released: 31-Oct-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Keep Kids Safe, Maximize Learning with New Computer
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

As parents buy new computers and other technology this holiday season, it's important they keep their children safe and help them maximize learning. The National Center for Family Literacy, through its work with the Verizon Foundation and the national Tech Savvy Awards, has created helpful tips.

Released: 31-Oct-2008 6:00 AM EDT
New Approach to Help Hispanics with Family Literacy
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Center for Family Literacy is launching a new set of family literacy products patterned after popular graphic novels for National Family Literacy Day on Nov. 1. The materials are designed specifically for Hispanic families. (Interviews and the news release are available in Spanish.)

Released: 11-Jul-2008 1:00 PM EDT
A Minute a Day Can Improve Children’s Reading Skills
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

Back to school "“ it's a hectic time full of shopping, preparation and new routines. But that doesn't mean parents shouldn't take some time to help their children learn. The National Center for Family Literacy offers fast, easy tips to improve a child's literacy skills.

Released: 25-Jun-2008 8:45 AM EDT
Expert: Domestic “Marshall Plan” for Workforce Education
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Commission on Adult Literacy will release a report Thursday on the crisis and solutions for adult education and workforce preparation. Commission member Sharon Darling -- who is president & founder of the National Center for Family Literacy -- is available for interviews.

Released: 11-Jun-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Study Shows How to Maximize Adult Literacy Classes
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

A National Center for Family Literacy study found that adult literacy results can improve as much as one grade level gain for every 10 hours to 13 hours of instruction. Personalized instruction, additional teacher training and diagnostic assessments of the adult participants are the key components.

Released: 4-Jun-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Summer Activities for Family Promote Learning, Fun
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

School is out, but that doesn't mean learning should take a break for the summer "“ especially when studies show learning that takes place outside school has great influence on future academic achievement. The National Center for Family Literacy has created fun lessons to boost learning this summer.

Released: 9-May-2008 1:00 PM EDT
Fathers Have Important Role in Children’s Literacy
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

All too often, childhood memories of reading revolve around mothers. But children "“ and the entire family "“ benefit from dad's involvement in their education. The National Center for Family Literacy offers several easy and effectives ways for fathers to take a more active role.

Released: 1-May-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Literacy Grant to Rollout National Research Solutions
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Center for Family Literacy is accepting applications from early childhood programs to participate in an innovative initiative based on the findings of the National Early Literacy Panel, which will be released later this year.

Released: 28-Apr-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Mothers Can Improve Children’s Academic Success by Reading
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

On the day of celebrating the mothers in our lives and all they do for us, the National Center for Family Literacy is encouraging moms to renew their commitment to making reading a daily habit for the family. NCFL shares easy tips on how to incorporate effective literacy activities into daily life.

Released: 24-Apr-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Free Family Literacy Magazine Now Available in Spanish
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

A new free family literacy resource will be available in Spanish just in time to mark Día de los Niños "“ the holiday on April 30 that recognizes children as the center of the Latino family. The National Center for Family Literacy's Cultivating Readers provides fun educational activities in Spanish.

Released: 24-Mar-2008 6:00 AM EDT
Largest Family Literacy Conference to Convene March 30
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

Family literacy educators and advocates will convene for the largest and most comprehensive gathering of educators, government officials and practitioners dedicated to multigenerational learning. Findings on early literacy, technology innovations and national awards will be featured.

Released: 26-Oct-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Gifts Promote Literacy; Tips for Selecting Right Book
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Center for Family Literacy is teaming up with three partners to provide reading and safety items -- holiday gifts that will be the perfect fit this season. In addition, NCFL offers tips to find the right book for the child in your life "“ one that will instill a lifelong love of reading.

Released: 10-Oct-2007 6:00 AM EDT
National Literacy Summit to Address Global Education Issues
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

The National Literacy Summit on Oct. 15 will feature Newsweek Editor Fareed Zakaria, the National Center for Family Literacy and other experts in education. They will discuss how global issues like immigration, population decline and workforce development impact American communities and creates the need to improve literacy and education.

Released: 17-Aug-2007 1:00 PM EDT
Free Magazine to Debut on National Family Literacy Day
National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL)

A new publication will be unveiled Nov. 1 for National Family Literacy Day that will help families make reading a ritual. This free material will especially help poor families, whose children hear 30 million fewer words by age 3 than their counterparts who live in households led by professionals.
