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Released: 24-Aug-2005 2:35 PM EDT
Protest Scholar Sees Demonstrations Approaching Historic Turning Point
Academy Communications

Recent anti-war demonstrations have brought American society back to the visible protest era of the 1960s, according to Alexander Bloom, history scholar at Wheaton College.

Released: 4-Aug-2005 12:20 PM EDT
Scholar of American Women & World War II on 60th Anniversary of War’s End
Academy Communications

How did American women respond to the atomic bombs dropped on Japan and the end of World War II? Judy Barrett Litoff, a professor at Bryant University and a scholar of woman and war offers compelling insights based on her 30,000-letter archive of correspondences written by women during World War II.

Released: 27-Jun-2005 11:10 AM EDT
Romney in Favorable Initial Position to Pursue White House Bid
Academy Communications

James B. Millikan, Jr. of Stonehill College in Massachusetts, says Governor Mitt Romney's fund-raising talents -- and his ability to reinvent himself to appeal to different segments of the electorate -- could make him a good candidate for a White House run in 2008.

Released: 17-May-2005 11:50 AM EDT
Scholar of Military Families Sees Mixed Impact of Proposed Base Closings
Academy Communications

Anni P. Baker, a Wheaton College professor who studies the lives of U.S. military families, sees the plan for base closing as having a potentially mixed impact on the families of those serving domestically and overseas.

Released: 18-Apr-2005 9:00 AM EDT
Scholar Sees Growing Threat of Counterfeit Prescription Drug Imports
Academy Communications

Professor Bryan A. Liang, executive director of the Institute of Health Law Studies at California Western School of Law and a patients' rights scholar, warns of potential health risks associated with the expansion of prescription-drug importation.

Released: 8-Dec-2004 5:40 PM EST
Professor Working with FDA & USDA to Keep America’s Food Supply Safe
Academy Communications

Professor Paul DeVito and his colleagues at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia have developed new distance-learning programs in cooperation with the university's Center for Food Marketing to help the FDA and the USDA protect America's food supply from terrorism.

Released: 19-Nov-2004 1:00 PM EST
FDA’s Response to Vioxx Reveals Political Flaws in System
Academy Communications

Dr. Bryan A. Liang, a patients' rights scholar at California Western School of Law, has been following the FDA/Vioxx controversy. With greater resources and less politics, he argues, the FDA would be better positioned to do its job protecting the public health in the U.S.

Released: 20-Sep-2004 9:10 AM EDT
Conference Examines Successes, Failures in Former Yugoslavia
Academy Communications

Boston conference will look back at what was learned from the wars in the Balkans and look forward at viable solutions for reconstruction, reconciliation, and lasting security"”from the perspective of the former Yugoslavia and for those doing similar work in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Released: 26-Aug-2004 9:50 AM EDT
Professor Specializes in Helping Students Overcome Math Anxiety
Academy Communications

Back-to-school is synonymous with math anxiety for many students"”and their frustration is often shared by parents. Richard Manning Smith, professor at Bryant University, specializes in helping kids and adults overcome math fears.

Released: 16-Jul-2004 7:50 AM EDT
Why Residents Often Fail to Prepare Homes
Academy Communications

Wildfire specialist Ed Smith of the University of Nevada, Reno, warns: "Because homes continue to be built inside or adjacent to wild lands in the West, the likelihood of homes and lives being threatened by wildfire is on the rise."

Released: 25-May-2004 3:00 PM EDT
Breathalyzers at Dances Send the Wrong Message
Academy Communications

The director of the school psychology and school counseling program at American International College says the increased use of breathalyzers at high school proms may actually encourage teenagers to spend more time away from the "official event" of the evening--and more time drinking.

Released: 14-May-2004 7:40 AM EDT
Kate McDonnell: Rising Musical Talent, Soon-to-Be Tufts University Graduate
Academy Communications

Kate McDonnell is an up-and-coming musician--and soon-to-be Tufts University grad. McDonnell, 37, will receive her bachelor's degree on Sunday, May 23, and will release her debut CD a few days later. Fellow songwriter/Tufts alumna Tracy Chapman will be at the podium.

Released: 16-Feb-2004 9:50 AM EST
Scholar of the '60s on Significance of Bush vs. Kerry Military Service Issue
Academy Communications

A scholar of the 1960s at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, says the Vietnam War is re-emerging "in a new way" in the current race for the White House. "It is less about the war itself and more about character and conduct," he argues.

Released: 12-Dec-2003 1:00 PM EST
Leading Tolkien Scholar Impressed with Third “Rings” Installment
Academy Communications

Michael Drout at Wheaton College in Norton, Mass., is a Tolkien scholar who has created a distinctive niche as one of the most insightful sources on the legacy of J.R.R. Tolkien. Drout was invited to an early screening of "Return of the King" and says he was impressed with the film "as a movie."

Released: 22-Oct-2003 7:10 AM EDT
Iran Scholar Credits Tehran Announcement to Diplomatic Efforts
Academy Communications

Mahmood Monshipouri, professor and chair of the political science department at Quinnipiac University, credits European diplomacy in ultimately convincing Tehran to suspend its uranium enrichment program and allow tougher U.N. inspections of its nuclear facilities.

Released: 8-Aug-2003 4:00 PM EDT
Students Explore "Banned Books" In New English Class
Academy Communications

What makes a banned book controversial"”and sometimes truly great? Students at Southern Vermont College in Bennington, Vt., will seek answers this fall as part of the college's newest English course: "Banned Books."

Released: 18-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Guerilla Warfare Scholar: Language Key to U.S. Victory in Iraq
Academy Communications

Tthe best way for the U.S. military to counter the guerilla insurgency in Iraq is to send more Arabic speakers there as soon as possible.

Released: 2-Jul-2003 12:00 AM EDT
Iran Scholar Cautions Against Military Threats, Surgical Strike
Academy Communications

Mahmood Monshipouri, an Iran scholar, warns that a surgical strike against Iran's nuclear program would spell disaster for that country's reform movement.

Released: 19-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Writing Professor Suggests Reading Assignment for U.S. Forces
Academy Communications

Joseph Cooper, who teaches writing at Quinnipiac University School of Law, says he would like to see President Bush issue an executive order--in the form of a two-book reading assignment--to all U.S. military forces stationed in the Middle East.

Released: 19-Mar-2003 12:00 AM EST
Technology has Amplified Anti-War Message
Academy Communications

Rich Hanley, professor of e-media at Quinnipiac University is studying the use of information technology by anti-Iraq war protesters.
