Newswise — With the 16th annual gathering of the Midwest Model European Union (MMEU) conference just around the corner, students are developing strategies and honing debating skills as they prepare to act as fully-functioning bodies of government.

Hosted by the Department of Political Science in the School of Liberal Arts on the IUPUI campus from April 17-19, 2008, the intercollegiate mock-European Union (EU) will include 14 different universities from six Midwestern states.

IUPUI political science Professor John McCormick, the event organizer, is proud of the conference's standing as the second oldest and second largest Model EU in North America. The notable event, McCormick says, creates a "positive impact that helps keep Europeanist faculty connected and students actively engaged in understanding the EU."

Assuming the roles of prime ministers and presidents, as well as ambassadors, commissioners, ministers and diplomats, students will spend two days immersed in political discourse. Through resolving issues, creating ties, and debating policy, the students will strengthen their knowledge of both politics and the community of the European Union.

The event operates almost entirely on students' knowledge of the countries they represent politically and economically. The Model EU allows students to apply what they learn in the classroom within a political arena. Through achieving a greater understanding of what is required of politicians, the students also gain an understanding of why the integration of Europe has been successful.

Intense study and practice of the European politics during this two-day convention also leaves the students with a deeper understanding of the importance of cross-cultural awareness.

The hands-on simulation is fun and informative for not only the students, but the faculty as well.

Jonathan Olsen from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside says, "The Model EU is really the high point of various classes dealing with European politics, both for my students and for me. I don't know how I'd teach about the EU without having the Indianapolis experience."

This year, 14 schools from six states will participate in the MMEU. For additional information about the MMEU, visit

Colleges participating in the 2008 MMEU are:

Ball State University, representing Greece, and the United Kingdom;

Beloit College, Wis., representing Belgium;

Butler University, representing France and the Netherlands;

Clark University, Mass., representing Romania;

IU Bloomington, representing Germany and Sweden;

IU Southeast, representing Bulgaria;

IUPUI, representing Denmark, Spain, and Portugal; Muskingum College, Ohio, representing Luxembourg;

Oakland University, Mich., representing Austria, Ireland, Slovenia and Latvia;

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, representing Estonia; University of Indianapolis, representing Slovakia;

University of Missouri-St. Louis, representing the Czech Republic and Poland;

University of Wisconsin-Parkside, representing Italy; and

Western Michigan University, representing Hungary.

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