A comprehensive Web site devoted to animal law, the Animal Legal and History Web Center, has been launched by David Favre, professor of law at Michigan State University-Detroit College of Law (MSU-DCL).

Offering users legal information about animals, the Web site (http://www.animallaw.info) includes expert explanations and materials, including policies, publications, briefs and historical documents. It also includes navigation through topics, laws, subject areas and species as well as a general search engine for queries relating to animal law.

The Animal Legal and History Web Center ultimately will contain a complete set of legal materials at the statewide, national and international levels. Issues addressed on the site include the U.S. Bald Eagle Protection Act, Texas anti-cruelty laws, animal rights, United Kingdom pet sales and the U.S. Animal Welfare Act. Favre hopes that the site eventually will serve as the sole destination for individuals seeking legal information and publications on all animal-related issues.

Favre has been an MSU-DCL faculty member since 1976. He is a well-known expert and has written several articles and books dealing with animal issues, including such topics as animal cruelty, wildlife law, the use of animals for scientific research and international control of animal trade. He also has presented to international audiences on these topics. Favre is a national officer of the Animal Legal Defense Fund and Species Survival Network. He currently teaches property, international environmental law, wildlife law and animal law.

MSU-DCL is located on the campus of MSU. Founded in 1891, the college is accredited by the American Bar Association and is a member of the American Association of Law Schools. MSU-DCL provides a broad legal education in addition to numerous special programs in particular areas of the law. Students also may join any of 26 student organizations concentrating on specific issues and areas. The Student Animal Legal Defense Fund, advised by Favre, is one such group.

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