NASW Opposes Ashcroft for Attorney General of the United States

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) opposes the confirmation of John D. Ashcroft as Attorney General of the United States.

In the position of Attorney General, Ashcroft would recommend nominations to the federal courts. These nominations should be representative of our nation, diversified. During his years as senator, Ashcroft has disproportionately delayed and denied the confirmation of minorities and women to both the federal courts and the executive branch. NASW is committed to advocate for individual liberties and social justice for all.

Ashcroft, a staunch opponent of a woman's right to reproductive choice, has drafted legislation to eradicate abortion regardless of the circumstances. This legislation also would make some forms of birth control illegal. NASW believes in reproductive freedom and safe access to reproductive health services, including abortion services.

If confirmed as Attorney General, Ashcroft will determine how justice is defined and pursued by the Executive Branch. Ashcroft would be the exclusive enforcer of civil rights and justice. NASW urges President-elect Bush to explore other options for Attorney General.

For more information on NASW's opposition of John D. Ashcroft as Attorney General please contact Dave Dempsey, Manager, Government Relations and Political Action at 202-336-8278.

For a copy of NASW's position statements on civil liberties and justice or women's issues, please call NASW Public Affairs at 202-336-8228.

The National Association of Social Workers (NASW), in Washington, DC, is the largest membership organization of professional social workers with 150,000 members. It promotes, develops and protects the practice of social work and social workers. NASW also seeks to enhance the well being of individuals, families and communities through its work and through its advocacy.


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