Ross Brann, professor of near eastern studies at Cornell University, comments on the Palestinian Authority’s expected bid to become a United Nations non-member observer state on Nov. 29.

He says:

“Why Now? With little or nothing to show for the years of on-again off-again negotiations with Israel, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has never been weaker. He does not believe that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is a partner for a political process to resolve the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians. And according to current opinion polls, Israel’s elections early in 2013 are likely to produce another solidly right-of-center government led by Netanyahu.

“Abbas is under immense pressure to be relevant as a representative of the Palestinians and a voice for their grievances and aspirations. A diplomatic maneuver at the U.N., however symbolic, is probably the only card he has to play. Abbas may also be hoping against hope that a now politically secure President Obama will not oppose him in this effort.”

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