Newswise — Michigan State University President Peter McPherson will lead a commission created by federal law that will make recommendations to expand study abroad for U.S. universities and colleges, including study abroad fellowships.

McPherson's appointment as chairman of the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program Commission was announced in Congress on Monday. McPherson's appointment was a bipartisan appointment of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill.; House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.; Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.; and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.

"I am very pleased that this commission and my appointment have such broad bipartisan support," McPherson said. "At Michigan State and at many other universities across the country we have made study abroad an integral part of the expected undergraduate experience, but many more students need to participate."

The vision is to expand opportunities for students in higher education in the United States to study abroad. The new commission is the vision of the late Sen. Paul Simon, D-Ill. His proposal envisions fellowships for 500,000 students per year to study abroad.

Thirteen of the 17 bipartisan commission members were appointed by congressional leaders, including the chairman. The White House announced on Oct. 1 that President George W. Bush also intends to appoint four others to the commission: John K. Andrews, Jr., of Colorado; Jim Edgar of Illinois; Lynette Boggs McDonald of Nevada; and Lyn Bracewell Phillips of Texas.

McPherson's appointment comes as he wraps up his 11th and final year as MSU president. Under McPherson's leadership, MSU has developed the largest study abroad program of any U.S. university or college.

In the past decade, MSU also has seen:

"¢ Annual MSU student participation in study abroad increase from more than 800 to more than 2,200 last year.

"¢ The number of MSU study abroad programs increase from 60 to more than 200 in 2004.

"¢ An increase in program locations " from 34 countries in 1993 to 64 countries in 2004 on all continents.

Since the commission was created, assurances of support and cooperation for its efforts have been offered by such organizations as the Institute of International Education, which administers the Fulbright-Hays fellowship program; the Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange; the Institute for the International Education of Students; and the Council on International Educational Exchange.


Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., who nominated McPherson for the new leadership position:"Peter McPherson is one of the nation's foremost leaders on study abroad programs. In his 11 years at MSU, President McPherson increased the number of students studying abroad from 800 to 2,200. That remarkable achievement reflects his commitment to helping students broaden their study opportunities and prepare for today's global society."

Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich.:"President McPherson is uniquely and ideally qualified to head a commission to foster international education for American university students. Under his leadership, study abroad may become a normal and expected part of the undergraduate experience for students across the nation, just as it has for MSU students."

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich.:"Peter McPherson has a proven track record of leading a first-rate study abroad program. He had the wisdom and drive to expand the study abroad program at MSU to make it accessible and affordable to all students. His vision, experience and commitment will prove to be great assets as he chairs the Abraham Lincoln Study Abroad Fellowship Program."

Rep. Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich.:"Globalization is increasing the need for American university students to study abroad as part of their academic experience. Congress is developing a national study abroad fellowship program to help meet this pressing need and has chosen wisely in asking such a qualified and experienced person as Peter McPherson to take the lead in creating it."