Following are experts who can discuss the impact of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. (While experts were submitted as part of a round-up on the impact of Hurricane Katrina, they most likely will also be able to discuss the impact of Hurricane Rita.)

Additional updates to the round-up will be posted at =10923 You may also find helpful our wiki-based resource of academic experts:

**1. CARLA EARHART, residential property management professor at BALL STATE UNIVERSITY: "Elderly hurricane victims are reluctant to leave their homes due to a concept known as older persons’ 'psychological attachment to home,' which is based on four factors: 1. Cost -â€" Their home is their greatest asset, something they worked very hard to attain. 2. Status -â€" Most elderly are homeowners, and society values home ownership. 3. Familiarity -â€" Because they’ve likely lived there for many years, even with failing eyesight and mobility, they can still maneuver quite well in this familiar setting. 4. Tradition â€"- This is likely where the extended family returns for holidays."

**2. LISA J. WHALEY, life coach, president of LIFE WORK SYNERGY and author of "Reclaiming My Soul From The Lost And Found": "What if every church, synagogue, mosque and service club in America adopted just one family suffering from Hurricane Katrina?" A former IBM executive, Whaley believes that this idea alone could help the hurricane victims rebuild their lives faster, because of the personal touch involved with such a concept.


**1. COOKING: CELEBRATE NATIONAL PIZZA MONTH WITH A DELECTABLE DESSERT. TINA LUU, experienced pastry chef and instructor at the ART INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA-SAN DIEGO: “Apple Chocolate Chip Dessert Pizza, Raspberry Almond Dessert Pizza, Pistachio Cream Dessert Pizza -- why use pepperoni, cheese and onion when there are combinations like these? We think of pizza as an appetizer or an entree, but the dough often lends itself best to dessert creations.� Luu can demonstrate how to use your imagination to invent a refreshing fruit treat or decadent chocolate indulgence.

**2. PARENTING: HOLIDAY RULES FOR DIVORCED PARENTS. RUSSELL WILD, financial planner and principal at GLOBAL PORTFOLIOS: “Do not, under any circumstances, put pressure on your children to make the decision about where to spend these important holidays." Wild and his ex-wife Susan, a litigation attorney, are co-authors of "The Unofficial Guide to Getting a Divorce." Married for 22 years and the parents of two children, Susan and Russell are amicably divorced. Based on their professional backgrounds, as well as their personal experience, they can offer unique tips for divorced parents on handling the holiday season.

**3. SEXUALITY: WOMEN AND THEIR ISSUES, MISUNDERSTANDINGS ABOUT SEX. MARY JO FAY, founder of OUT OF THE BOXX, a provider of seminars and one-on-one consulting via phone for those who seek individual plans for personal growth: “The '80s provided most research and scientific understanding about female anatomy and sexuality, at which time many of today’s middle-aged women were already wives and mothers and were no longer studying all they could get their hands on regarding sex, as they may have done when they were teenagers. Many figured they already knew about the birds and the bees. Yet ask any of them what their 'G' spot is and many will look at you with a blank face -- totally in the dark about their own anatomy and physiology. Is it any wonder that many otherwise healthy women have issues with or misunderstandings about sex?�

**4. TEENAGERS: SCHOOL, EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES MAY CAUSE SLEEP DEPRIVATION. SUSIE VANDERLIP, CSP, author of "52 Ways to Protect Your Teen": "For teens who often face long hours of homework and a myriad of extracurricular activities, the beginning of the school year is a perfect time to re-evaluate the level of stress on your children and make changes according to each individual personality." Vanderlip can offer tips on spotting tired teens, creating schedules that work for teens and fostering a positive sleep environment.

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