We've added the following to items posted previously at =10923

**1. DR. JO PRYCE, associate professor of social work at the UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA: “Donations and volunteer time is going down in America because many Americans are dealing with 'compassion fatigue.' Americans are probably feeling guilty and ashamed because they think they’re not doing enough. But that is not the case. People need to measure themselves and do what they can when they can, take a break and then help again. Otherwise, they will burn themselves out." Pryce is the author of the soon-to-be-published “Traumatic Stress Syndrome and Child Welfare: Walking Where Angels Fear to Tread.�


**1. BEHAVIOR: HALLOWEEN -- FANATICS CREATE FEAR IN CHILDREN. DR. ROBERT R. BUTTERWORTH, Los Angeles-based child psychologist: "Kids who celebrate Halloween have a new menace besides ghosts and goblins -- religious groups that want to ban Halloween, claiming that Oct. 31 is Satan's holiday and trick-or-treating is a sinful ritual. There is a nationwide trend to ban traditional Halloween costume parties in schools due to parental complaints. It's really tough being a kid today -- now adults are saying that if you dress up as a witch or goblin on Halloween, you're risking hell. No wonder our kids are getting so stressed out."

**2. COOKING: ANY RECIPE CAN BE ADAPTED TO A BLENDER. CHRIS PETERSON, author of "In a Man's Whirled: Every Guy’s Guide to Cooking with a Blender": "If the measure of a man is his ability to cook, then the measure of a sophisticated man is his ability to cook well. A busy single dad, the blender is my kitchen tool of choice because food prep is quick and clean up is easy. Plus, the ability to whip up good food is a great way to impress your friends and your dates. Any recipe can be adapted to a blender and still be delicious."

**3. GAMING: SAFE AND SMART ONLINE GAMBLING. SILVIA VASQUEZ, general manager at BETMAKER.COM, is available to discuss how people can protect themselves from poker sharks and deceptive online casinos: "With the release of 'Two for the Money,' more people than ever are flocking to online gambling Web sites. Many new players are unaware of hazards, including poker sharks -â€" experienced players who take advantage of newbies â€" - and unlicensed and exploitive Internet casinos." Vasquez has tips on spotting and avoiding poker sharks and how you can tell if a gambling site is reputable.

**4. HOME: SINGLE-CUP BREWERS ON THE RISE IN THE HOME. JUDSON KLEINMAN, president of CORPORATE ESSENTIALS, a beverage service firm, says single-cup coffee brewers are on the rise for the home: “The appeal of making a custom cup of coffee in your own kitchen, with no mess and within 30 seconds, drives strong consumer sales of these single-cup brewers for the home. Single-cup brewers work using sealed cartridges or cups of prepackaged, pre-measured coffee, which are inserted in the machine prior to brewing. Although single- cup brewers have been available to the corporate market for several years, the past year saw a surge in the technology behind the machines for both the office and the home.�

**5. PARENTING: MELANOMA ON THE RISE IN KIDS. JOSHUA L. FOX, M.D., FAAD of ADVANCED DERMATOLOGY PC: "More kids than ever before are being diagnosed with the skin cancer melanoma, which used to be almost exclusively a disease of adults. Melanoma usually develops many years after excessive sun exposure as a child, with 80 percent of a person’s lifetime skin exposure typically occurring before the age of 18. Between 1973 and 2001, the incidence of pediatric melanoma rose by 2.9 percent per year, about 80 percent overall. The risk is greatest for white children, girls, older kids and those who have had the most exposure to the sun." Fox can give advice to parents on how to protect children from this deadly form of skin cancer.

**6. PARENTING: SCHOOL PRESSURES MOUNTING BECAUSE OF AP CLASSES. SUSIE VANDERLIP, president of the LEGACY OF HOPE FOUNDATION, teen expert and author of "52 Ways to Protect Your Teen," says parents should be on the lookout for teen stress as school gets started and new academic pressures mount up: “A heavy load of AP classes can cause teens to feeling overwhelmed. If parents criticize teens for imperfections on top of this heavy load, they can feel as though they are not good enough leading to depression and suicidal thoughts. Consider your teen’s personality, and don’t be afraid you’ll harm them or their future by reducing their load.� Having spoken to more than 1 million teens, Vanderlip also speaks about "cutting," gambling, pregnancy, gay issues and more.

**7. RELATIONSHIPS: WOMEN STRUGGLE WITH THEIR OWN SEXUAL COMFORT LEVEL. MARY JO FAY, relationship consultant at OUT OF THE BOXX, a provider of seminars and one-on-one consulting via phone for those who seek individual plans for personal growth: “In working with the women I consult with and in my support groups, one of the things I discovered is that there are so many women who still struggle with their own sexual comfort level. Having been a survivor of childhood sexual abuse myself, and fearful and guilt-ridden for so many years, then having learned new ways to come out of that emotional fog, I want to share what I have learned with other women to help them find sexual satisfaction as well.�

**8. TRAVEL: THE EFFECT OF SECOND BALI BOMBINGS ON THE TRAVEL INDUSTRY. KEN FISH, owner and president of luxury tour operator ABSOLUTE ASIA, can discuss the possible negative effects of the recent bombing in Bali and believes Bali will experience a temporary dip in visitors, but will ultimately recover and flourish: "Our hotel associates are reporting some clients wanting to go home, but not nearly as many as after the first bombings. We are urging current clients not to cancel plans to visit Bali and will always strongly encourage new clients to consider going. It is a beautiful destination that has so much to offer." Fish is available to comment more fully on this and other travel industry topics.

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