Web site:http://www.menningerclinic.com

Newswise — "Evidence of bullying exists in the alleged Red Lake School shooter's history," says Stuart Twemlow, M.D., a psychiatrist and researcher on school and community violence at The Menninger Clinic, Houston.

"Bullying requires a bully, a target & a bystander. Bystanders aware of threats or physical or psychological acts can fuel the bully's actions. The school climate & vulnerable children suffer," Dr. Twemlow explained.

In high school, bullying is harder to detect. The victims can be affected severely to the point they need mental health care. The bullies are at higher risk for violence and criminal behavior.

The good news is that Dr. Twemlow's research shows methods work to curtail bullying. "From our Peaceful Schools study in elementary schools, we have learned bullying can be stymied by taking one role out of the mix," Dr. Twemlow said. "The study has already resulted in developing interventions effective in subduing the act of bullying in schools, which reduces schoolroom violence and improves the learning atmosphere." The project has garnered international attention, both from academic professionals and the media.

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