Newswise — Secure World Foundation is pleased to announce the availability of a new analysis of President Barack Obama’s National Space Policy (NSP).

The new NSP released in June is a White House directive that provides broad guidance on how the United States intends to conduct activities in outer space.

This review -- The 2010 Obama Space Policy: Sustainability, International Engagement and Stability in Space -- has been authored by Victoria Samson, Director of the Secure World Foundation’s Washington, D.C. Office.

Secure World Foundation (SWF) has long supported building an increased understanding of how to best protect the space environment and improve space security for the United States and other space actors.

Moreover, SWF focuses on three key areas: sustainability, international engagement, and stability in outer space. The new NSP places a heavy emphasis on these objectives, recognizing the extent that space activities have penetrated the economic, political and military framework of today’s world.

Global engagement and cooperation

“The new National Space Policy strives to ensure that outer space remains usable over the long-term for the benefit of all, thus setting the stage for future, cooperative efforts in space,” Samson said. “Specifically, the NSP sets forth the challenge to make space sustainability a priority through global engagement and cooperation, as well as through responsible space behavior.”

However, the policy’s ultimate success will depend on how the rest of the U.S. government interprets and implements the principles contained within the NSP, Samson points out. “Furthermore, its efficacy is tied to both how much cooperation the United States receives internationally, and what bilateral and multilateral transparency and confidence-building measures are undertaken,” she noted.

The NSP analysis by Samson includes examination of: space sustainability for the global commons of outer space; the role of international cooperation; and stability in space. It also considers possible next steps in implementing the NSP.

The NSP analysis can be accessed by going to the Secure World Foundation website at:

Contact Information:

Dr. Ray Williamson, Executive DirectorSecure World Foundation

Phone: 303-554-1560Email: [email protected]

Victoria SamsonWashington Office DirectorSecure World Foundation1779 Massachusetts Ave., NWWashington, DC 20036

Phone: 1-202-462-1841Email: [email protected]

About Secure World Foundation

Secure World Foundation (SWF) is headquartered in Superior, Colorado, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Brussels, Belgium.

SWF is a private operating foundation dedicated to the secure and sustainable use of space for the benefit of Earth and all its peoples.

SWF engages with academics, policy makers, scientists and advocates in the space and international affairs communities to support steps that strengthen global space sustainability. It promotes the development of cooperative and effective use of space for the protection of Earth’s environment and human security.

The Foundation acts as a research body, convener and facilitator to advocate for key space security and other space related topics and to examine their influence on governance and international development.