Newswise — Fitness Information Technology, a division of the International Center for Performance Excellence at West Virginia University, has released "You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned: John Wooden's Teaching Principles and Practices."

The book is co-authored by Swen Nater, who played basketball for Wooden at UCLA, and Ronald Gallimore, Distinguished Professor Emeritus at UCLA.

Wooden's teams at UCLA won an unparalleled 10 NCAA championships, including seven consecutive from 1967-1973. Widely renowned for his basketball ability, Wooden was also a master teacher. His fundamental principles of effective teaching are successfully conveyed in the book, and can be studied and applied by teachers, coaches, parents or anyone who supervises others.

"I think the connection between teaching and coaching is right on," said Ann Meyers Drysdale, a member of the Basketball Hall of Fame and ESPN women's basketball analyst. "I would recommend this book to teachers, coaches, parents, executives and anybody that would want to be more organized and understand how to pay more attention to effort and detail."

Nater was a member of two of Wooden's championship squads and played professional basketball for 11 seasons. After his playing days, he taught and coached basketball at Christian Heritage College, winning an NCCAA championship in 1990. He provides firsthand accounts in the book on the many life lessons he learned from Wooden that he has applied in his own life as a teacher and coach.

Gallimore is chief scientist for LessonLab Research Institute and Distinguished Professor Emeritus at UCLA. He joined the psychiatry faculty at UCLA in 1966 and received a University of California Presidential Award for research contributing to the improvement of public schools in 1992. He co-founded LessonLab, which is devoted to the improvement of teaching through research and direct action in schools in 1998.

Founded in 1984, Fitness Information Technology is the principal publishing division of the International Center for Performance Excellence in WVU's School of Physical Education. A leading international publisher in the sport and exercise field, FIT produces about 45 textbooks, reference books, trade books, three academic journals, electronic databases and electronic test products for sale in more than 30 countries.

"You Haven't Taught Until They Have Learned: John Wooden's Teaching Principles and Practices" is available at; and The price of the book is $19.95.

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