Our News on Newswise

How Regulation Can Increase Productivity and Social Welfare

Jagadeesh Sivadasan, Buzz and Judy Newton professor of business administration, shares his research on how more liberal regulations can foster productivity growth and how human capital drives firm productivity.
26-Aug-2024 8:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Strategic Decision-Making: The role of individuals, groups, and AI

Felipe Csaszar, professor of strategy, shares his research on decision making structures and how students’ decision making changed after taking a strategy course.
23-Aug-2024 8:30 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Data Privacy in a World of Cyber Threats

Digital privacy is often framed as an issue for consumers, but Ross School of Business Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Ruslan Momot argues that companies need to consider the concept as a key element of their business.
21-Aug-2024 8:45 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Curious by Nature: How Addictive Are Companies Making Video Games with Dr. Puneet Manchanda

For many years, addiction research has focused on chemical dependencies like drugs and alcohol. However, new phenomena such as video game and social media addictions are not as extensively studied.
20-Aug-2024 3:20 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Towards Responsible AI: Leveraging Machines that Emulate Human Capabilities

With AI driving rapid change and disruption across industries, businesses and society face opportunity and risk. Nigel Melville, associate professor of technology and operations, explores how new mindsets are needed to develop and employ AI...
6-Aug-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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New Study Shows Effects of Guaranteed Income Programs on Health and Poverty

According to new research from Sarah Miller, associate professor of business economics and public policy, guaranteed income programs don’t appear to improve the health of recipients, but they remain an important tool to consider for reducing...
30-Jul-2024 4:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

Using Data to Impact Healthcare Access and Equity

Sarah Miller's research focuses on health economics, particularly the effects of public policies that expand health insurance coverage and the effects of income on health and well-being.
29-Jul-2024 11:05 AM EDT Add to Favorites

Strategic Sourcing for Organization and Global Impact

Damian Beil is the Area Chair for the Technology & Operations group at Ross. He teaches the MBA operations management core and an elective on strategic sourcing.
26-Jul-2024 2:05 PM EDT Add to Favorites

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Our Experts on Newswise

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Professor Ravi Anupindi Provides Key Insights on Federal Study Investigating Infant Formula Shortages

In a new study overseen by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, an international group of experts investigated vulnerabilities exposed by the 2022 infant formula shortage to develop recommendations for a resilient infant...
27-Aug-2024 6:05 PM EDT

Michigan Ross Professor Explores Multinational Brand Building Challenges in Developed Markets

Chinese e-commerce firm Temu sparked controversy in the United States with its Super Bowl ad titled “Spending like a billionaire,” which attracted a spate of criticism for reasons ranging from cultural insensitivity to general confusion.
8-Mar-2024 10:05 AM EST

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Michigan Ross Professor Shares Ideas to Ease Housing Crisis

A proposal developed by a University of Michigan business expert and others to help ease the U.S. housing crisis is being shared with federal housing officials.
1-Mar-2024 10:05 AM EST

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Michigan Ross Professor Explores Gender Barriers to Career Networking

In collaboration with Catherine Shea, assistant professor of organizational behavior and theory at the Tepper School of Business, the research provides commentary on why women's representation in influential roles remains low.
8-Feb-2024 3:05 PM EST

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The Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan is a diverse learning community grounded in the principle that business can be an extraordinary vehicle for positive change in today's dynamic global economy. The Ross School of Business mission is building a better world through business. Through thought and action, members of the Ross community drive change and innovation that improves business and society.

Michigan Ross is consistently ranked among the world's leading business schools. Academic degree programs include the Bachelor of Business Administration, Full-Time MBA, Part-Time MBA (Online and Weekend formats), Executive MBA, Global MBA, Master of Accounting, Master of Business Analytics, Master of Management, Master of Supply Chain Management, and PhD. In addition, the school delivers programs for individuals and custom executive education programs targeting general management, leadership development, and strategic human resource management. For more information, visit MichiganRoss.umich.edu.



