Newswise — States' bans on abortion gain momentum, but are they constitutional?

Following recently signed legislation banning almost all abortions in South Dakota, several other states are considering similar legislation, setting up a possible challenge to Roe v. Wade in the Supreme Court. Suzanna Sherry, Cal Turner Professor of Law and Leadership at Vanderbilt Law School, is available to discuss the constitutional status of any of these laws and whether the constitutional doctrine might change with the new Roberts court.

Only democratic process will protect women's reproductive rightsStefanie Lindquist, associate professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt, says Roe v. Wade was not the great victory for women's reproductive rights that it seemed to be. "Roe produced a massive reaction on the right that caused a partisan realignment around issues of morality. This counter-mobilization has become one of the most potent forces in American politics today. Roe reduced the power of the women's movement because it eliminated one of its core agenda items. Also, state legislatures have passed laws that erode the right by imposing additional restrictions. Women who support choice must realize that Roe was not the Holy Grail " only change produced through the democratic process can clearly protect women's reproductive rights."

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