Newswise — The American College of Radiology Data Science InstituteTM (ACR DSI), along with the Radiological Society of North America and the Academy of Radiology and Biomedical Research, is a co-sponsor for the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)’s Workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Imaging.
The two-day workshop aims to clarify the needs in foundational and translational research for machine learning in medical imaging. Proceedings from the workshop will be published as a research roadmap for healthcare and scientific professionals across academia, industry and government.
Both ACR DSI Chief Medical Officer Bibb Allen, MD, FACR and ACR DSI Chief Science Officer Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, FACR will lead or participate in several sessions covering an overview of the current state of AI in medical imaging that will focus on identifying gaps in translational research for AI and discuss opportunities for stakeholder collaboration for implementation of AI tools in routine clinical practice.
“Dr. Dreyer and I are excited to represent the ACR DSI in this much-needed convening of stakeholders,” said Allen. “By gathering leading experts to discuss gaps in research and data needs for machine learning, we’ll be able to focus our efforts on those areas with the greatest potential to enhance AI in clinical practice.”
“By more closely reviewing the examples of machine learning in the imaging life cycle and discussing implementation challenges for clinical practice, we’ll be better prepared to address the opportunities that AI holds for radiology,” Dreyer added.
The free workshop will be held on the NIH Main Campus in Bethesda, MD Aug. 23 and 24.
To arrange an interview with an ACR DSI spokesperson, media can contact Meghan Swope at 703-390-9822 or email [email protected].