American Cancer Society Supports Bilbray-Lazio-Salmon Clinical Trials Provision

Contact: Steve Rosa of the American Cancer Society,
202-661-5710; [email protected];
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WASHINGTON, Sept. 14 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The American Cancer Society, the nation's leading voluntary health agency, today said it strongly supports the clinical trials coverage provision sponsored by Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.), Rep. Rick Lazio (R-N.Y.) and Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.). The provision would require managed health care insurance plans to cover routine patient care costs when a health plan member is enrolled in a clinical trial. The Society believes such a legislative provision is a vital step in America's war against cancer.

"Many patients cannot participate in clinical trials because they don't have the money to pay routine medical fees-costs that otherwise would have been paid for had the treatment been 'conventional'," said Harmon Eyre, M.D., chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society.

Health plans currently cover routine patient care costs, such as blood work and physician and hospital visits, when a patient receives standard therapy-regardless of the effectiveness of the therapy. "Remember however, the conventional therapy of today was considered experimental only yesterday," said Eyre. "Clinical trials offer our best hope at finding more effective treatments against major diseases like cancer. Without sufficient enrollment in clinical trials, we as a nation lose an opportunity to collect data about the safety and efficacy of a new therapy or technology that could potentially benefit future generations of patients and save the health care system money."

According to the American Cancer Society, currently only 55 percent of cancer patients are ever cured. The Society believes clinical trials offer the best opportunity to improve those odds. Published data shows patients have better outcomes when they receive treatments through clinical trials than with standard therapy. However, in spite of all of the known benefits, only three percent of all cancer patients currently participate in clinical trials.

"Clinical trials can make a significant difference in the survival rates of cancer patients and others with life threatening or serious diseases," added Eyre. "There is strong evidence that investments in research will pay off when what is learned in the lab is rolled out to the bedside. For example, clinical trials are now considered the standard of care for most children with cancer-approximately 70 to 90 percent are currently enrolled in clinical trials. In 1960, the survival rate for children with acute lymphocytic leukemia was just four percent. By 1995, this survival rate had jumped to 73 percent. Without significantly increasing clinical trials enrollment among this patient group, we would not now have the knowledge to save these children.

"We must support the needs of those affected by cancer through both effective legislation and scientific innovations. The provision by Reps. Bilbray, Lazio and Salmon pulls both needs together. This provision will serve the nation very well, and we put our full weight behind it," Eyre concluded.


The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service.

For information about cancer, call toll-free anytime 800-ACS-2345 or visit the American Cancer Society website at


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