January 3, 2001Release No. 01-02

John Blamphin202/682-6138 [email protected]

APA Hails Surgeon General Report on Children's Mental Illness

Washington, D.C. - The American Psychiatric Association today praised Surgeon General David Satcher's "blueprint for addressing children's mental health in the United States" and vowed to help make the report's eight goals a reality.

The final Report of the Surgeon General's (September 18-19, 2000) Conference on Children's Mental Health was made public today.

"In his report, Dr. Satcher has challenged our Nation to confront the fact that millions of our children are suffering because mental health services for children are woefully inadequate, research in the field is lagging, and our priorities for children's health care remain low," said APA President Daniel B. Borenstein, M.D.

"The APA pledges its support to the critical goals outlined in the report - especially a significant increase in the number of well-trained child and adolescent psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, as well as expanded research in children's mental illnesses and their treatments," Borenstein added. The APA also endorses improved access to care through expanded insurance coverage equal to that of other medical needs.

The American Psychiatric Association is a national medical specialty society, founded in 1844, whose 40,000 physician members specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.


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