Newswise — Bethesda, Md. (July 22, 2014) — The American Physiological Society (APS) is pleased to announce its 2014 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellows. Recipients of the Society’s five summer fellowship programs spend an average of 10 weeks in the laboratory of an established scientist and APS member. Each program recruits undergraduate students nationwide (worldwide for the Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship and the Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship), and some are geared toward providing research experiences to a wide range of students—including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and students with disabilities—to work with APS member-researchers in a specific area of physiological research.

“These fellowships provide a rich and unique experience, allowing undergraduates in the sciences to have a summer immersed in research and face-to-face interactions with a professional researcher,” said Marsha Lakes Matyas, PhD, director of APS educational programs. “The time that students spend in the lab with their research mentors gives them a firsthand look at what it’s like to pursue a career in science and can have a profound impact in encouraging them to remain in the sciences. APS is proud of its ongoing commitment to providing these research opportunities and continues to expand our educational offerings to the next generation of scientists.”

Participants are selected based on academic merit, the quality of the proposed experience and the availability of appropriate faculty mentors. Each Fellow receives a stipend plus additional funds for travel to present his or her research at a scientific meeting. Research hosts receive funds for student lab supplies.

Fellows participate in hands-on research and learn to develop a hypothesis, design and troubleshoot experiments, collect and analyze data, and write and present results. In addition, Fellows have the opportunity to:• network with other undergraduates interested in biomedical research,• explore the nature of research and the scientific process,• investigate career options and what it takes to find career success, and• post their career questions to members of the APS Porter Physiology Development and Minority Affairs Committee, Advisory Board and APS Career Opportunities in Physiology Committee.

To see a list of the 2014 Fellowship recipients and to learn more about APS Undergraduate Fellowship programs, visit and follow the links below.

Short-Term Research Education Program to Increase Diversity in Health-Related Research (STRIDE) FellowshipThe STRIDE program recruits U.S. undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds and from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and students with disabilities to work with APS member-researchers in the fields of cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic and sleep disorders research. STRIDE Fellows work for 10 weeks during the summer in the laboratory of an established APS investigator and receive a $4,000 stipend and $1,200 for travel to the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting in Boston. Read about the 2014 winners.

Short-Term Education Program for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP) FellowshipThe STEP-UP program recruits U.S. undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds and from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and students with disabilities to work with researchers in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) mission areas of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic disease; digestive diseases and nutrition; and kidney, urologic and hematologic diseases. STEP-UP Fellows spend 8–12 weeks during the summer in the laboratory of an established APS investigator or other biomedical researcher and receive a $3,500 stipend and $1,200 for travel to the STEP-UP Symposium in Bethesda. Read about the 2014 winners.

Integrative Organismal Systems Physiology (IOSP) FellowshipThe IOSP program recruits U.S. undergraduates from disadvantaged backgrounds and from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups and students with disabilities to work with APS member-researchers in the field of comparative physiology research. IOSP Fellows work for 10 weeks during the summer in the laboratory of an established APS investigator. Fellows receive a $4,000 stipend, $1,050 for housing expenses and an additional $750 for travel to the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting in Boston. Read about the 2014 winners.

Undergraduate Research Excellence Fellowship (UGREF)The UGREF program recruits U.S. and international undergraduate students who have had more than nine months of laboratory research experience for a 10-week summer fellowship in the laboratory of an established APS investigator. UGREF Fellows receive a $4,000 stipend and $1,300 for travel to the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting in Boston. Read about the 2014 winners.

Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship (UGSRF)The UGSRF program recruits U.S. and international undergraduate students who have had little to no laboratory research experience to work for 10 weeks during the summer in the laboratory of an established APS investigator. Fellows receive a $4,000 stipend and $1,300 for travel to the 2015 Experimental Biology meeting in Boston. Read about the 2014 winners.

To set up an interview with one of the Fellows or a research host or to find out more about APS and its educational and award program initiatives, contact Brooke Bruthers, APS Senior Program Manager, Diversity Programs (301-634-7226; [email protected]), or Melinda Lowy, APS Senior Program Manager, Higher Education Programs (301-634-7787; [email protected]), or log onto


The American Physiological Society is a professional scientific membership organization devoted to fostering scientific research, education and the dissemination of scientific information. The APS supports a variety of educational activities, including programs and fellowships to encourage the development of young scientists at the undergraduate and graduate levels, with a particular focus on women and underrepresented minorities. APS also supports refresher courses and teaching awards promoting continued excellence in education at the professional level. In May 2004, APS won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM).

Founded in 1887, the Society’s membership includes more than 11,000 professionals in science and medicine.

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