Newswise — From examining long-term care challenges to delving into ethical wills and addictions among the elderly, the National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM) 25th annual conference will offer insight to its members into a range of topics including a session on Ethical Issues, with national expert Martha Holstein.

The 2009 NAPGCM Annual Conference " which runs from April 23 to 25 at the Renaissance Downtown Chicago Hotel " will bring together the industry's top experts to network, share knowledge and understand existing and new trends in the area of aging and family caregiving for seniors and disabled adults with special needs.

"This is going to be an extremely informative conference," said NAPGCM President Phyllis Brostoff, a professional geriatric care manager based in Milwaukee, Wis. "The conference committee has lined up nationally known speakers on topics of great interest to our members in geriatric care management."

As a 75 million-strong Baby Boomer population approaches retirement age " essentially doubling the number of the nation's seniors during the next 15 years " private geriatric care management has become a valuable option for families. Trained to address the complex needs of seniors and their families, a Geriatric Care Manager can navigate the maze of public and private sector programs and assist elders and their families with all aspects of chronic care.

Conference attendees will be able to brush up on various topics, from the use of technology in aging services and the treatment of patients with dementia and behavioral issues to exit strategies for private-pay companies. They will also hear from internationally known author and president of Health Futures Inc., Dr. Jeff Goldsmith. Considered to be America's premier healthcare futurist, Goldsmith will discuss "The Long Baby Boom," a look at the impact Baby Boomers are expected to have on the U.S. health system and society over the next 20 years.

Demographic shifts have brought about more resources for families, from the growth of the geriatric care management profession to senior portal websites, such as, a sponsor of the NAPGCM conference. "Like NAPGCM, we are dedicated to helping lighten the burden on family caregivers and protecting the nation's most vulnerable citizens," said Bob Silver, co-founder of "Our goal is to assist time-starved caregivers by bringing together the best information, support and products in one place on the Internet. We are thrilled to support this event."

While not open to the general public, the members-only event will equip NAPGCM members to return to their offices better able to help families across America with crucial decisions in the lives of today's aging population.

For more information on the NAPGCM conference, visit

ABOUT NAPGCMNAPGCM was formed in 1985 to advance dignified care for older adults and their families in the United States. The association currently boasts a membership of more than 2,000 care managers. Professional Geriatric Care Managers (PGCMs) are professionals who have extensive training and experience working with older people, people with disabilities and families who need assistance with caregiving issues. They assist families in the search for a suitable nursing home placement or extended care if the need occurs. The practice of geriatric care management and the role of care providers have captured a national spotlight, as generations of Baby Boomers age in the United States and abroad. For more information please visit or call 520.881.8008.