TO: Editors, science writers, political reportersFROM: UW-Madison University Communications


If you are looking for details and background on the science of stem cells to support your coverage of President Bush's announcement tonight, Aug. 9, go to the University of Wisconsin's Madison's updated and expanded stem cell media kit on the Web.


The site includes basics questions and answers on the science; high-resolution photos suitable for publication; other illustrations and animations; links to resources; and archives of statements, media releases and news about stem cell research.

In late 1998, a group of scientists led by UW-Madison developmental biologist James Thomson became the first in the world to successfully isolate and culture human embryonic stem cells. This site describes that research and much more.

Thomson will view the Bush speech tonight and may issue a written statement afterward. Any statement on the Bush decision will be promptly e-mailed by University Communications to reporters on its science lists. If you want to receive any release tonight directly by e-mail, send a message before 9 p.m. central time to: [email protected]. Thomson will not be available for individual media interviews.

For a political perspective on the difficulties the Bush administration has faced in coming to a decision, try UW-Madison political science professor Donald Kettl, (608) 262-3581, [email protected]. He is available until 5 p.m. central time today, and will return messages on Friday.

For additional help, contact Amy Toburen, (608) 262-0925.

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