10th annual conference will include new cloud-related product announcements, user and partner success stories

Newswise — Chicago, IL – Jan. 17, 2012 – The Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory today announced open registration for its 10th annual GlobusWORLD conference, being held April 10-12, 2012 at Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, IL and featuring a program of prominent speakers including XSEDE and Blue Waters keynotes.

“For our 10th anniversary we wanted to ensure a stellar program,” said Ian Foster, Globus co-founder and director of the Computation Institute. “With keynotes from two of the most important high-performance computing projects of the decade, and presentations by over a dozen leading research and computing organizations, this year’s GlobusWORLD offers an unparalleled experience for attendees.”

Confirmed presenters are listed below, and the call for participation is still open at https://www.globusonline.org/inthenews/globusworld-2012-call-for-proposals/:

• John Towns (Keynote speaker), PI and Project Director, XSEDE and Director, Persistent Infrastructure, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois • Michelle Butler (Keynote speaker), NCSA Technical Program Manager, Storage Environments Lead for Blue Waters Project• Ian Foster (Keynote speaker), Globus Co-Founder and Director of the Computation Institute• Stratos Efstathiadis, Technical Director, High Performance Computing Facility Center for Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, NYU Langone Medical Center• Donald Petravick, Senior Project Manager, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign • Brock Palen, HPC System Administrator, CAEN HPC Group, College of Engineering, University of Michigan• Brian Tierney, Computer Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab / ESnet• Shreyas Cholia, Project Lead, Science Gateways and Grid Services, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab / NERSC• Alexander Papaspyrou, Manager, Community Support and Outreach, Initiative for Globus in Europe• Anita Nikolich, Executive Director, Infrastructure Services, University of Chicago• David Champion, Senior Systems Architect, Infrastructure Services, University of Chicago• Katrin Heitmann, Physicist/Computational Scientist, High-Energy Physics and Mathematics and Computer Sciences Divisions, Argonne National Laboratory

“Globus Online is providing a key service to the researchers supported by XSEDE, increasing their productivity by simplifying the movement of large amounts of data and many files,” said keynote speaker John Towns. “I'm happy to be able to connect with members of the XSEDE community at GlobusWORLD 2012 and look forward to the event.”

“I look forward to meeting Globus users and developers at this event, to not only learn about what they are working on but to hear about their requirements as potential Blue Waters users,” said keynote speaker Michelle Butler.

Researchers, developers, IT administrators, and infrastructure providers convene each year at GlobusWORLD to see and experience new technologies at the intersection of grid, high-performance computing, data management and cloud computing. The conference comprises two and a half days of presentations, tutorials, and networking opportunities including a welcome reception on Tuesday evening and a social event with dinner on Wednesday evening.

The 2012 GlobusWORLD program offers several new highlights:• Day 1 tutorials: For the first time, GlobusWORLD will hold tutorials before the formal program so attendees have a chance to interact with the latest technology prior to the conference sessions. • Tutorial tracks: The tutorial agenda will be tracked for developers and administrators, so participants can choose the best session for their needs.• New product announcements: The Globus team is announcing important new offerings at GlobusWORLD 2012 -- there is no better place to get an inside look at these innovative cloud-based research data management capabilities. • Resource roundtable: Leading hardware and network providers will offer tips and tricks for integrating with Globus technologies.• Face time with the experts: The Genius Bar and “Grill the Gurus” panel will provide opportunities for conversations and Q&A with Globus development leaders and seasoned users.

This year’s conference also marks three milestones for Globus: the 15th anniversary of the Globus Toolkit, the 10th anniversary of the GlobusWORLD conference, and the first anniversary of Globus Online, launched just a few months before GlobusWORLD 2011. This year’s event will celebrate these milestones at a cocktail reception on Tuesday April 10, and user stories from Globus Online will underscore the success of the service’s first year.

To register for GlobusWORLD: https://www.mcs.anl.gov/events/registration/gw2012/registration.phpTo submit a speaking proposal: https://www.globusonline.org/inthenews/globusworld-2012-call-for-proposals/For more information about the event: http://www.globusworld.org/

About GlobusWORLD

The GlobusWORLD conference series is the leading global event for Globus users, developers and resource providers. GlobusWORLD is a conference by the community, for the community -- while the core Globus team has much to share, community involvement is what has made the event successful. The program focuses on Globus Online and the Globus Toolkit, including talks and tutorials on using and managing the software, and presentations and discussions by users, developers and resource owners on their experiences. For more information, visit http://www.globusworld.org/about.

About the Computation Institute

The Computation Institute (CI) was established in 2000 as a joint initiative between The University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory to advance science through innovative computational approaches. Scholarship in the sciences, arts, and medicine depends increasingly on collection and analysis of large quantities of data and detailed numerical simulations of complex phenomena. Progress is gated by researchers’ ability to construct complex software systems, to harness large-scale computing, and to federate distributed resources. The CI is both an intellectual nexus and resource center for those building and applying such computational platforms for science. As an intellectual nexus, it brings together researchers from different disciplines with common interests in advancing the state-of-the-art in computing and its applications. As a resource center, it provides expert assistance to scholars whose work requires the most advanced computational methods. For more information visit http://www.ci.anl.gov/.